Chapter 35. Long time no see

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"Guess, who?"

The voice sounded a bit familiar. Who could it be? If only the person would remove his hand, I could tell who he was. He didn't. He told me to guess his name and gave me three chances. I failed all of them.

"I am really hurt," he said and removed his hands from my eyes. I turned my head to look behind me and was surprised to see him. Sahil gave me a bright smile and I returned it.

"Sahil! Long time no see." I got up from my seat and he chuckled at my reaction.

He looked dashing in a black V-neck shirt paired with grey jeans. His dark brown hair were gelled to the side and I noticed an earring in his left ear. Was that platinum?

After staring at him for few seconds, I extended my hand for a handshake. He didn't return the gesture but instead pulled me in a hug. My face hit his chest and he laughed heartily when I yelped. That was so sudden. I scrunched up my nose as I inhaled an unhealthy amount of perfume. He smelled great though.

I was meeting him after such a long time. We were not in contact after that inter-college science competition. What was he doing here? He pulled apart and took a good look at me. I sensed Rajeev staring at us. Oh, I should introduce Sahil to him before he misjudged us.

"Rajeev, this is Sahil, we met at the inter-college-" I began but he cut me off mid-sentence.

"I know him," he said.

"You do?" I asked in disbelief.

I glanced at Sahil and he nodded his head. What a small world. But how? He lived in a different city.

Wait a minute!

If Rajeev knew him, then was it possible that Ved did too? No! I wished it wasn't so. I needed someone who didn't know him.

"You don't know him, right?" I whispered to Sahil and pointed my thumb in Ved's direction.

"I do."

My face fell and I pursed my lips. He looked at me in confusion and I sat back on my chair. I glared at Ved who was smiling smugly. He shook Sahil's hand and Sahil sat beside him. I got to know that Sahil played basketball too. He had played some matches with Ved during school days.

Also, that wasn't the only thing they had in common. Their fathers were childhood friends too. Just awesome.

Why wouldn't there be someone who wasn't affiliated with Ved? I tried to converse with Sahil but Ved would always interrupt me.

They were discussing about business and politics. Two of my least favourite topics. Rajeev was also not paying attention to me. All three of them were busy in a heavy conversation. Still, I made an effort to join them but failed everytime. I felt so left out.

It felt like I didn't belong here. I glanced around me and then back at my clothes. Everyone was dressed so nicely while I looked like a clown in a white loose pullover and black jeans. I didn't even brush my hair before coming here. I just pulled them up in a messy bun and let the strands loose around my face since I was too lazy to do the hard work.

I scratched the table surface with my index finger. Then I got bored and picked up my phone to keep myself entertained. Why did I even come here?

"So, Sandhya. What about you?" Sahil asked.

"What about me?" I asked in irritation.

Now he felt like talking to me? He raised his eyebrows in surprise and Ved smirked. I knew what he was thinking. There was no one who didn't know him. Arrogant bastard.

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