Chapter 60. Let it go

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"Hey, Nikhil. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked him.

He shook his head and started walking past me. I stopped him and he glowered at me when I accidentally touched his arm. I controlled myself from rolling my eyes at him. He moved away and I told him to relax.

"Look. I am not here to argue or something. I know that you have a free period now so I just wanted to have a little talk with you. Nothing more," I explained.

"Talk about what?"

"I will explain later. Meet me behind the library and please bring Shree along with you."

"What are you planning this time?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Chill. I am not going to murder you both. It will only take a few minutes and it is really important. So, just come and don't worry, you will not have to bother with me again."

His eyes darted around my face for any sign of lies. When he couldn't find any, he replied, "Fine. I will meet you there."

He adjusted his bag on his shoulder and left after glancing around him. I made my way towards the library. I thought a lot about what Ayush had said yesterday. I couldn't sleep properly as his words kept haunting me.

That's why I decided to close this chapter for once and for all. I was debating on whether to apologise or not and still was not clear about it. I decided to just go with the flow and see what happens. I just wanted to state my point and get out of their hair without much trouble.

I reached behind the library and as usual, no one was here. I started walking around the inner circumference of the square ground while waiting for Nikhil and Shree.

If Shree brought Mahek along with him, I might have to rethink my decision of not murdering them.

But fortunately, he didn't. Nikhil arrived after ten minutes with Shree in tow and the first thing Shree did when he saw me was to show his utmost displeasure.

I motioned for them to make themselves comfortable but Shree snapped and told me to get over with what I had to say quickly.

"Chill, dude. I am not here to confess to you. So relax," I taunted.

Both guys exchanged unamused glances and then looked at me. Nikhil noted the time and told me that I only had five minutes as I had earlier mentioned to say whatever I wanted to tell them.

"Okay, guys. I will start. So don't disturb me while I am talking. I will tell you myself when I am done."

They both nodded and I continued.

"First of all, I would like to say sorry for causing all the trouble. I know some of my actions were extreme and I take full responsibility for them, I accept it. I am apologizing because no matter what I did, I ended up hurting you guys in the end which was totally not my intention.

"I know you guys hate me for what I did, but I just wanted to say that it was all for your own sake and there were no ill intentions whatsoever. I would have preferred if you believed me but I will not force you to do so. It is your choice and you have the full right to decide whether you want to be associated with me or not."

I took a short break to collect my breath. I wondered how those politicians went talking on and on for hours. I checked Nikhil and Shree's reactions and they were nowhere looking convinced.

"It is okay if you don't believe me. I won't even mind if you guys never talked to me again. I just wanted to make a request to you. Don't mistreat Parth and Surbhi because of me. They are just acting as a shield and they have done nothing wrong.

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