Chapter 21. The Gift (Part 2)

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8 years back

"Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday dear Ayush~
Happy birthday to you...
May God bless you~
May God bless you~
Happy birthday dear Ayush..
Happy birthday to you~"

Our whole class wished Ayush and he thanked us. He was dressed in new clothes and looked like a baby. I wished I had a younger brother like him. If anyone tried to hurt him, I would beat the shit out of them.

"Happy birthday Ayush," I said when he reached my desk and gave the chocolates to me. He looked here and there and sneaked two more towards me. I smiled at him and he went to the next student.

In the lunch, Ved tried to steal my lunchbox but I knew what he was planning. He kept staring at my bag since morning. I ambushed him and he ran away after calling me stupid.

"Here Sandhya. Your invitation." Ayush handed me a card and I gladly accepted it. I couldn't wait to see his reaction when I give him my gift. I am sure he would love it.


"Sandhya hurry up. Aren't you getting late for Ayush's birthday party?" Mom shouted from downstairs.

"One minute!" I shouted back and after wearing my shoes, got down in the hall. Dad was at work so mom was going along with me. I was going to stuff myself full with all the food.

"Let's go!" I ran outside and mom grabbed me before I ran into a vehicle. I was super excited for this. I knew Ved was not happy with me going but he could just cry about it. Ayush was my friend too.

"Do you have the gift mom?" I asked as we took an auto.

"Yes. Don't worry. You have asked me that for the hundredth time now," she said.

"I was just making sure."

She showed me the gift box and I relaxed back in my seat. The ride was pretty long. It took us forty minutes to reach his house. Mom paid the autorickshaw driver and I skipped towards his house.

"The house is so huge!" Mom exclaimed and I nodded my head.

Mom showed the invitation to the guard and he let us in. Mom kept commenting about our surroundings and I giggled at her reactions. I told her that we would build a house bigger than this and she chuckled. She patted my head lovingly and I gave her a huge smile.

"Ayush!" I called when I spotted him sitting on a sofa with his mother. He snapped his head towards me and smiled. His mother got up and approached us. She welcomed me and my mom.

Mom took a seat and began chatting with other aunties who had also come. I was happy she wouldn't get bored. I saw some of her old friends and greeted them. They all greeted me back and I went to play with other kids.

"When are you going to cut the cake?" I asked Ayush.

"Ten more minutes. I am waiting for my dad. My uncle is coming with his friend today."

"Tell him to hurry up. I am getting hungry," I said and licked my lips while staring at the cake. Ayush laughed and told me eat something else for the time being. I shook my head.

"No! Cake comes first. I can wait ten more minutes. By the way, I haven't seen Ved yet. He isn't coming?"

"I don't know. He should have been here one hour ago."

"Don't worry. He won't ditch you. You are his best friend." I patted Ayush's shoulder and he gave me a small smile.

After twenty minutes, I sighed in relief when Ayush's dad arrived with two more men. I think they were his uncle and his uncle's friend. Now I could eat the cake but Ayush had other plans.

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