Chapter 110. Infinity and beyond

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After dropping Ved to his house yesterday and making sure that he wouldn't run off again, we went to the hospital and informed his family that he was safe. My parents, along with the Avasthi family, paid a visit to Jaiwant Uncle, and Krittika Aunty almost cried after seeing so many well-wishers.

We spent the rest of our evening there and left for our homes. I was fucking tired and fell asleep the moment I laid my head on the pillow. I got late the next morning and had to rush to reach college in time. I was planning on bunking, but both Mehta Sir and Nair Mam had scheduled important practicals on the same day.

Therefore, I had to attend the lectures, my club meetings, and the monthly evaluation of my volleyball team. The thought of getting some rest was destroyed completely, not to mention I was zoning out for which I got thrashed by Usha Mam for not paying attention to her.

As a punishment, she told me to clean the whole court and arrange the equipment in the Sports room. So, I grabbed a hand towel and a broom and made myself comfortable among the various game items. Since the room was two times bigger than my bedroom, I calculated that it would take me almost two-three hours to get the work done.

I pumped up myself and got on with the work. I started some songs on my phone and pulled a few dance moves while cleaning. Suddenly, the thought of Ved getting drunk and beaten up by that thug guy planted itself in front of my mind, and I kicked the soccer ball in anger.

If Rajeev and Mayank hadn't arrived on time, I might have murdered all of those motherfuckers. But I was really saddened by the fact that Ved misunderstood the whole situation and got insecure - it was my fault. I should have talked to him beforehand and explained what was going on, but then again, I didn't want to add to his burdens.

"Hmmm... let's finish the stuff here, and then I will go and check up on my Princess. He better be in his home or I will beat him for making all of us worry," I mumbled.

"You gonna beat me up, Sandy Pandy?"

I turned around in a flash on hearing Ved's voice. He was standing like a model posing for a photoshoot. I was happy to see him refreshed and not all down like yesterday, but when I remembered how he got completely senseless, I moved forward and punched him in the stomach.

"Ow! No wonder I already expected how you were going to react," he said and rubbed his tummy. "Your punch has gotten stronger though."

"I won't talk to you unless you tell me why you behaved like that yesterday." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You already know."

He flicked me on the forehead and kept his bag on the shelf. I turned my eyes into slits when he stepped forward and opened his arms.

"Don't even think about it," I warned.

"I am sorry for what I did. I was afraid that you were going to ditch me."

"Why would I?"

"Sahil told me everything this morning. He proposed to you, right? But even before that, I saw the ring box he gave you when I came to see you directly from my National trials. I was going to ask you about it, but I was afraid of your reaction." He pouted.

"You hadn't even told me your feelings, so I was already in the slump, imagining your rejection..." he added.

"Come here." I hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Dad is fine now," he said.

"And you?"

"I wasn't, but now I am."

I hit him on the back. "Stop being cheesy."

He embraced me close to his chest and laughed when I started reprimanding him. I let him off the hook when I noticed that he was actually sorry for his behaviour. We broke the hug, and he thanked me for putting up a fight for him in the pub.

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