Chapter 71. My Angel

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"Have you decided if you want to reveal your identity or not?" I asked as I matched my steps with Shreyas.

"Not yet. I am still not confident enough," he replied.

"Is that so? But you are a really good singer, and you even won second prize in 'Rising Stars'. I think you can do it."

"Thanks, but for now I would like to work more on honing my skills and go with the flow."

"Do you want to say 'S'Flow'?" I joked about his alias.

He chuckled and told me that he was writing a few more songs around the romantic theme. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he gave me a knowing look. We didn't say anything and burst out laughing.

"I think Farha really likes you," I teased.

"Don't take her name. She is so annoying," he groaned.

I continued joshing him about her, and he shot me a fake glare. We were strolling in the garden, and it was midnight. The sky was covered with puffy clouds allowing a sneak peek of the shimmery stars and the round moon in between.

In the morning, we had gone for trekking and it was pretty normal except for the incident where I almost threw Farha off the cliff. When I noticed her stuck to my silent friend like a magnet, I had to do something.

Shreyas was on the verge of jumping off the mountain, so I kept him with me all the time through the whole journey up to the top of the mountain and then back down. He had his brother and other guys to look after him, but they could also do as much as they were capable of.

Moreover, they were all guys, so Farha had an upper hand as no one could hit her. I also noticed that Ved and Parth were trying their best to handle the situation without harming her, but the frustration was quite evident.

So, seeing no other option, I had to threaten her once again to keep my friends safe. Fortunately, she kept her distance from my amigos and didn't cause a scene when I warned her that I was serious about breaking her teeth.

"She is your classmate, how are you going to survive? You should better speak up when you are uncomfortable," I advised.

"Yeah, will do. If she troubled me again, I will inform the authorities. They will take care of her "

"Good boy." I patted this back.

"It is pretty late. I think you should go inside, it is freezing now," he suggested and checked his wristwatch. "1:43 am."

"Cool. Thanks for having a chat with me. I just couldn't sleep," I said.

"You still having the same dream?"

"Yeah... I am sure that room is jinxed. I asked Surbhi and my roommate, but none of them shared the same experience." I cringed at the thought of having a ghost in my room.

"Relax. I am sure it will pass soon. We should get going now."

I nodded, and we walked toward the entrance. Shreyas parted ways in the hallway and went to the boys' side of the rooms. "Good night!" I yelled, and he waved his hand over his shoulder. "Good night, Sandhya," he replied and took the stairs.

I waited till his form vanished from my sight; I didn't want to go to my room. I was feeling drowsy, but I was afraid of getting the same dream again. Surbhi brushed it off saying that I was overthinking, and it must be because I watched a lot of horror movies.

She was of no help!

After standing like a statue for a few minutes, I moved my feet. I had to sleep, or I wouldn't be able to enjoy tomorrow; it was our free day. We could do anything we wanted: sleep, eat all day, play, or just roam around.

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