Chapter 42. Mission Impossible

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(🚨 Long chapter ahead 🚨)

(Warning:- Drugs are mentioned in this chapter)


"Yo Ved! You free for a minute?" I asked casually.

"Nope," he said coldly and tried to leave but I stopped him.

"But you look free."

"Bug off."

"I want to talk about something."

"Not interested."

"It is really important."

"I don't care."

"It's about Nikhil...."

"Stay away from him."

"and about Karthik."

"Stay away from him too."

"It is the matter of their lives!"

Ved furrowed his eyebrows and I was glad that I finally got his attention now. I had been trying to talk to him since morning but he was hellbent on ignoring me. He was still pissed off about yesterday and Nikhil was giving me death glares too during lectures.

Well, I thought about it a lot and realised that if I wanted to help Nikhil, I would have to team up with the enemy. Afterall they were best friends. If I told Ved about their hideout I found yesterday, we could bust that place and then, this whole fiasco would come to an end.

I cornered Ved when he was exiting boys' locker room. I pushed him inside-much to my own surprise-and locked the door. There was no way I was letting him go without hearing me out. He was standing a few feet away from me, trying to get out of here. But I was standing guard to the door and had my pepper spray for backup.

He accused me of misusing it and said that I was committing the crime of privacy invasion but whatever. I didn't care. All I wanted was to get him to help me or get some valuable information from him at the most. I had to try everything.

"Ved, you know what I saw yesterday?"

"What did you see?" he asked in frustration.

"I saw the den of the drug lord."

"Wow. What a discovery! I must compliment you."

I was happy he was listening to me finally but why did he sound sarcastic though?

"Yeah, I know. You know who I saw there?" I continued.

"Oh please, tell me. I am dying to hear it."

"Are you making fun of me right now?"

"Absolutely not. Please go ahead."

"Nikhil! I saw Nikhil there."

"Oh no. What could he be doing there?!"

"You are surprised too, right? Well, what else could he be doing? He was buying drugs. And it wasn't just him whom I saw. I saw Karthik too."

"How did you got there?"

"How else? I followed Karthik."

"Oh.... and where was this place you mentioned?"

"It was... um... wait a moment. It was... where the hell was it exactly?"

"You don't know?"

"No, wait. Let me remember it. Radha Chandani Mahal... um.. I don't think so. Or was it Firoz gulley?"

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