Chapter 92. Same Pinch

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With a two pointer by Ved, the finals ended and our college won the basketball tournament along with soccer and table tennis. Unlike how my volleyball team celebrated, Ved's team was calm and composed, showing their years of experience in the sports arena.

One hour later, every player was present in the auditorium to receive the awards and congratulate the winners in the prize distribution ceremony. When our turn came, we formed a line alongside the other two teams and received our certificates and medals from the Dean of the host college who as expected was happy because his home team won.

But unlike our fellow beings who had rotten expressions on their faces even while holding the golden trophy, my team was making the best out of each moment and jumping up and down in front of the cameras. After annoying the idiots, we left the stage for other teams and enjoyed rest of the function.

I really wanted to embarrass Natural Heater when his team was getting the first prize and being praised for their excellent performance, but I had to hold back because I was already tired from all the dancing I did for my own team. I was waiting for him to return so that I could irritate him but he was called by someone who liked a reporter and taken to a different corner where a small studio was setup.

Hmm... I forgot he was a sports celebrity. I observed him and decided to work hard myself so I could achieve that position too and then boast about it to everyone.

"Sandhya, let's go. Coach is giving us a treat," Payal informed.

My eyes lit up on the mention of free food, and I joined my team after shooting a last glance at Princess who was busy giving an exclusive interview to a sports magazine. Once we reached the cafeteria, everyone got themselves loads of snacks and filled their plates to the brim. Coach scolded us to think about her wallet, but Payal told us to just ignore her and eat all we wanted.

It was her last official match, so it was kind of a farewell for her too. We thanked her for her leadership and assured her that we would keep our team's reputation intact even after she left. She smiled at all of us, and Usha Mam hugged her while crying.

Others also began shedding tears after their emotional moment and group-hugged. We clicked a lot of pictures as sovenirs and some of the older team members even had parting gifts for her; I promised Payal that I would give her mine when we returned to college.

She nodded, and after hugging each one of us again, we dug in our meals. We ate like we were starved for months and then went to fool around the college. The sun was already down the horizon and there was still no sign of Ved - I was getting bored.

I searched for him for some time and went to stroll through the soccer ground for fun. It was really huge, maybe bigger than our own football ground, but no matter how much better it was, my college was always the best.

I put my earphone buds in my ears and put my songs on shuffle. I started running when 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' began drumming in my ears, and I lipsynced along with it. I noticed a few students walking around and playing in the ground, laughing and enjoying their college days.

I stopped after running four laps and slumped down on the green field. I took out the earphones and let my body and other senses cool down before I went back to my room and packed my bags for tomorrow's departure.

I was thinking about the afternoon match and replaying the events in my mind. Every time I remembered the horrified faces of the host team, it filled me with immense joy and gratitude towards my Coach and team for supporting me without any doubts.

"Can I sit here?"

I nodded without looking, and Nikhil made himself comfortable beside me. He fidgeted in his spot for a minute and sighed loudly. I ignored him but when he continued doing that, I snapped my head at him and narrowed my eyes.

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