Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure

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"Ah, crap. This is...really not good." I muttered under my breath as I look out into the stormy skies. "Hold on!" Nate yells at Sam and I as he steers the boat towards the island while the storm rages on and the rain pours down on us. "Nathan! They're gaining on us!" Sam yells at Nate. "Yeah, I know! I know!" Nate said back at him. "Well, crank it!" Sam exclaims. "Sam, I'm going as fast as he can!" Nate tells our older brother. "Well, shit. Keep heading towards the island. (Y/n) and I'll try to hold— Ah shit. Here they come!" Sam said just as we see some boats coming towards us. "They got smaller boats. Ram 'em!" I yelled at my twin brother. "Got it." Nate said as he rams the ships.

"Hey, assholes! Tell your bosses to find their own damn treasure!" Sam yells at the guys while he and I fire our guns at the other ships. "We're not doing much damage here." I informed Nate as he steers our ship. "Just keep them at bay!" Nate yells and we continue to fire at the men as the ships come up to us.

"Ha! You took 'em out!" Sam said after Nate rams into another ship. "Down you go!" I said until Sam and I look up and see a much larger boat coming our way. "Uh...big boat. Big boat!" Sam and I exclaimed. "Oh shit." Nate said just as we see something flying towards us but it hits the water first and a loud boom goes off and a large splash water sweeps over us. "Damn it— they’re dropping mines!" I yelled. "I see ‘em!" Nate said.

"Just keep heading towards the island, don't let 'em get in front of you!" Sam said and we continue on until someone shoots our engine. "Oh shit!" I screamed and the boat jerks and I fall into the sea then I swim back up until my head hits the surface. "Oh, damn it." I whispered and heard Nate and Sam shout. "(Y/n)!"

"Hey! I'm okay...I'm okay..." I said to my brothers and they help me back up into the boat. "Shit, the engine's out." Sam said. "What?!" Nate and I asked. "I can...I can fix it, just...just cover me, you two!" Sam said. "Ah, damn it." Nate said as Sam works on the engine. "C'mon...C'mon..." Sam said just as Mercenaries attack our boat. "Blow them out of the water!" A mercenary yells.
"Grenade launcher! Take him out." Sam said to us and Nate and I run to the side of the boat and fire at the mercenaries.

"They're fish in a barrel!" A mercenary yells as Nate fires his gun and their  ship blows up. "Holy shit." Nate mutters. "Ha ha. Karma's a bitch." Sam said when I see more ships coming. "Damn it! More coming!" I screamed. "Well shit." Sam said as we fire at the men.

"Sam, how's the engine?" Nate asked Sam a few minutes later. "Making progress!" Sam yells as Nate and I continue our attack. "C'mon...C'mon, go...There! There, I got it!" Sam shouts after a few minutes. "It's working?" I asked him. "Head straight to the island." Sam said and Nate runs towards the driver's seat and drives ahead. "Nathan! Rocks, dead ahead!" I shout. "I can barely see out there." Nate said when more mercenary ships comes after us.

"Shit. Get them off of us!" Nate shouts and Sam and I start firing. "We're doing the best we can here." Sam said. "Nathan, hurry!" I yelled at him. "Just hang on!" Nate said as he steers the boat, sharply. "On your right!" I shouted. "Watch it, watch it!" Sam exclaims at the same time "Oh, shit! Aahh!" Nate screamed as we crash into a larger boat and roll over.

"Nathan!! (Y/n)!!" I hear Sam shout as we fall into the water.


Nathan's POV

"Nathan." Sister Catherine said as I sit on my bed, looking down at the ground. "Nathan...What are we going to do with you? You must be tired of these lectures. I know I'm tired of giving them. Now you have to stay here with me all weekend instead of going on the retreat with everyone else." She said to me. "I don't care." I said, angrily. "Yes, that is the crux of the problem." She said.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now