Chapter 8: Hidden In Plain Sight

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"And here's our tower." Sam said as we pull up to the tower. "Do you think the treasure is in this tower?" I asked him. "I hope so. Or at least another clue on where to find it." He said as we get out of our jeep and head towards the tower. "Knowing our luck, Nate will be the lucky one and be in the right tower." I said and Sam laughs. "Yeah...that sounds about right." He said.

We make our way through some of the crowds and make our way inside the tower. "So...why did Nathan seemed so nervous about you coming with me?" Sam asked as we get inside of the large structure and start to look for clues. "I think it's cause I was drugged and captured by Marlowe a few years back. Then she sent me off to some pirates while her and her partner captured Sully and Nate and told them that I was dead." I replied. "Holy shit." Sam muttered in shock.

" for a few days that's what he believed. Until I came in and saved them." I replied as we start to make our way to the top of the tower. "I should've been there for you guys." Sam said, sadly, and I look over at him and give him a sympathetic smile. "Hey, you're here now! That's what matters." I said as I placed my right hand on his shoulder. He looks over at me and nods as we continue up on the tower and look around.

"Well, looks like nothing here." I said after look around for a few minutes. "Ah, damn it." Sam mutters in anger. "I'll bet you ten bucks Nate and Sully are in the right tower." I said. "Okay, it's a bet!" Sam said as he pulls out his phone and looks down at it. "Huh." He mutters. "What?" I asked. "Got a voicemail from Sullivan." He said and he brings up the voicemail and puts it on speaker. "You have one unheard message." The automated voice said.

"Hey, guys. Looks like we're at the right tower. Call us." Sully said and I smiled. "Starting to sound like you owe me ten bucks." I said. "Yeah, yeah...whatever." he said and I laugh as he dials Sully's number. "Sam! Finally, you and (y/n) okay?" Sully asked. "Just searched our tower. We got nothing." Sam replied. "Yeah, well, we're definitely in the right place. Make your way over here." Sully said and Sam's jaw droppped. "Are you serious?" He asked and I exclaimed  "Ha! Now you definitely owe me ten bucks!"

"Yeah, yeah...okay." Sam said. "What?" Sully asked. "Oh, (y/n) and I had a bet to see if you and Nate were in the right tower. She won." Sam said as I smiled. "Smart girl." Sully laughed. "Anyway, we're on our way." Sam said and he hangs up. "Well, no time to waste." I said and we start to head back down the long staircase.

"You know...speaking of Nathan being protective of you, I remember when you two were young....Nathan would always be by your side. No matter where you went, he was right there next to you." Sam said and I smiled. "I remember. Everyone always said we were inseparable." I said and Sam chuckles. "I remember when you feel off the swing and you cried, Nathan ran over to you and hugged you before I could come up and do anything. I also remember the day we were taking to that orphanage and they took you to that all girl's orphanage." He said and I frowned.

I remember that day too. The nuns and priest did their best to try to put me in the car but I kept fighting them cause I didn't want to be separated from my brothers. Nate especially kept fighting to at least get to me but he couldn't.

"He was in a terrible mood after that day. For a few days, he wouldn't do anything, wouldn't eat, wouldn't talk...nothing. It took me awhile but I was able to help him out and told him that one day I would figure out how to get all three of us back together." Sam said and I look up at him. "I know how he felt. I was the same way once I got to the orphanage." I said and Sam looks at me, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Suddenly, my phone and Sam's phone dings as we make it down to the bottom of the tower. I pulled out my phone and saw it was a text from Sully. I clicked on the text app and saw that he sent various pictures of a mechanism with like different sigils. "You get a text too?" Sam asked. "Of picture of sigils? Yeah." I replied and I call them up, putting it on speaker.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now