Chapter 14: New Devon

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"Well, I guess that's one way to crush a rebellion." Nate remarked as we look at the scene of hundreds of skeletons in cages. "I have to wonder if this was always the plan." Cole said as he and Elena come up next to us. " slaughter all the colonists?" I asked him. "No...To lure them here in hopes of finding a utopia. Only to rob them of everything that they have." He replied.

"Well, we’re dealing with a bunch of pirates." Nate said. "Well... that is pretty diabolical, even for pirates." Elena points out as we walk up the large wall of New Devon. "Well, looks like we're gonna have to go up and over." I said as we look over the wall. "Yeah, you're right. Time to start climbing." Nate said and we started climbing on the boards, that held the cages, and made our way to the wall.

"Wow." All four of us said as we got to the top of the wall and looked out at the abandoned colony. "Welcome to Avery's neighborhood." Nate introduced. "It’s a nice place. If you don't mind some structural problems and water damage." Elena said. "Clearly some drainage issues." I said, smiling. "A real fixer-upper opportunity." Cole said and all of us chuckle.

"Okay, so... Looks like somebody blew that dam and then flooded the whole place." Elena said after she pulls out her binoculars and looks out. "You know, I forgot. Pretty good at this." Nate said to her and the two stare at each other for a few moments before she goes back to the binoculars. I look over at Cole and we shared a look, a small smile formed on his face, before Elena speaks up.

"All right, so which one of these do you think is Avery's?" She asked. "Ah, my money’s on...that one. One that's still intact." Nate said as he moves her binoculars over to the right. "Ooh. You're not so bad at this either." She said to him. "Yeah, well, you know, had a little practice, read a few books." Nate bragged. "And also with the help of his better twin sister." I added and he scoffs at this. "Oh yeah, you wish." He teased and I push his shoulder when Elena gasps. "Shit. Shit."

"What? What?" Nate, Cole and I asked and she hands the binoculars to Nate. "The front door." She said and Nate looks through the binoculars then whispers. "Sam."

"What?" I said, shocked, and he hands the binoculars to me and I look through them. I towards the door to see Rafe, Nadine and some of their people pushing Sam towards the front door. "He's still alive." I said with relief. "Yeah, for now. Come on." Nate said to us. "All right, keep your eyes open for Shoreline types..." I said to Elena and Cole as I hand her binoculars back. "Yep." They said and we start to make our way to Avery's building.

"You think they found the treasure?" Cole asked after we made our way through some houses and taking out a few Shoreliners on the way. "Well, let's hope not. For Sam’s sake." Nate replied as we come up to this broken down tower and Nate walks up to it and found a note. "It's addressed to Richard Want. Signed Adam Baldridge." He said as he hands me the letter and I look it over.

"They were both Founders?" Elena asked. "Yeah. Looks like they were turning on each other." I said as I read the note. "But why?" Nate asked. "Greed. Paranoia. Money." Cole listed off. "Yeah, well, more money, more problems." Nate said and we continued on

After swimming, climbing and then sliding down a broken down house into some more water and some more climbing, we make it to another building that was alittle more intact than the other houses we've come through. "Hey look— Thomas Tew's sigil." I said as I pointed out the painting of the sigil to the others.

"So we're in his mansion." Elena said. "Second in command. Going up the pirate hierarchy." I said to her and we turn the corner and enter this room. Inside was a long dining table with many corpses laying either in the chairs or on the table. "Good lord." Elena and Cole exclaimed in disgust.

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