Chapter 5: The Grave Of Henry Avery

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*(y/n)'s POV*

"Well. Rafe's really going all in, isn’t he?" Sam said as we look out towards the cathedral, hearing and seeing explosions going off, as the snow falls on us. "Well; they're all concentrated around the cathedral, so that‘s good...because we are going to have that graveyard all to ourselves." Nate said, looking through his binoculars, as I pull out my walkie-talkie.
"Sully." I said. "Yeah?" He said. "Hey, listen, we're good to go here." I informed as I walk up to the edge of the cliff and see Sully's plane in the ocean. "Okay, kid. Happy hunting." He said. "Last chance to come with." I said and he laughs. "Yeah, well, unless you can find me an escalator, I think I'll pass." He replied. "All right. We'll see you in a few." I said as I wave towards him and Nate comes up next to me and waves at him as well.

"Hey, Nate—(y/n)---" Sully said. "Yeah?" Nate and I asked. "Just— Ah, just bring me back something shiny, will ya?" He asked. "That's the plan." Nate replied and Sully chuckles before I put the radio away. "Well... Let's go pay our respects to Captain Avery, huh?" Sam said and we start to make our way towards the cathedral.

"A Scottish cathedral. Strange place to bury your treasure, no?" Sam said, questionable. "Not really. I mean, by the time Avery would've sailed here, the place was already abandoned." Nate replied. "I guess that's true. Plus, with the massive bounty on his'd be a good place to hide." Sam said then he looks over at us.

"So...what happened between you two and Rafe?" He asked. "We couldn't deal with him...and I'm pretty sure he'd had enough of us." Nate said. "We were still coming to grips with your, uh... death, and with his frustration from not finding the treasure...Well, I'm pretty sure he was ready to kill both of us by the time we bailed." I finished. "Ha. Imagine what he'd want to do to both of you now." Sam said. "Yeah. Trying not to." Nate and I said at the same time.

"Sam, listen. He's ruthless. I mean even more so than when we teamed up with him. I mean, I've heard stories." Nate informed and I nod. "So have I." I muttered. "Trust me, me too. All the more reason I don't feel bad about any of this." Sam said. "So, do either of you remember this?" He asked. "Oh, the cathedral grounds?" Nate asked him. "Yeah." said Sam. "Pretty much. Although it's been so long, it's a little hazy." Nate said. "I barely remember this place." I said as we jump down on another cliff and walk on through.

"This crane, explosives. I think stealing the cross might've made our boy Rafe a little nervous." Sam said as we keep hearing the explosion going off. "Yeah." Nate said. "Just a tad." I said as I hold up my hand and placed at least an inch of space between my pointer finger and thumb. 

"Must've been a shock for Avery to come here after living in the tropics for so long." Nate said as we continue down a valley. "Ha. Well, I can sympathize with that." Sam said and I look over at him then I realized what he was talking about. "Oh, right right....because of the whole prison thing." I said. "Yeah. You have no idea how much I missed the cold." Sam said then we slide down a rocky slope and make our way down to another valley.

"What the hell is all this?" I asked as I pointed out to the large blue and white crates that were scattered around the valley. "It's excavation equipment." Sam replied. "Shoreline...?" Nate said, shocked. "What?" Sam and I say and Nate points out the name and the logo on the crates. "Look. I thought they were just by the cathedral!" Nate said and then we were spotted.

"Look, they're here!" One guard yells and they start to fire at us. "Oh, shit, get down!" I shout at my brothers and we duck behind some boulders. Then we pull out our guns and start to fire at the men.

"Okay. We're good." Sam said once we took out Rafe's men. "Yeah, nice to meet you too, Shoreline." Nate said, sarcastically. "Seems like they were expecting us." I remarked. "...And like they're searching away from the cathedral." Sam said. "Which means we should get to that graveyard, pronto." Nate said. "Exactly." Sam said and I nod and we began to make our way towards the graveyard.

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