Chapter 15: Avery's Descent

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"This place doesn't look very stable." I said as we started to walk and Nate and I pull out our flashlights. "Yeah..." Cole and Elena whispered as we enter this large cavern. "Look. Fresh footprints." Nate said as he walks towards a little walkway. "They must've come this way." He said as we come next to him and I noticed that there was more than one set of footprints. "That's a lot of footprints." I said, alittle nervously. "She's right. Let's take this slow." Elena said and we continued on.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom and the walls of the cave started to shake. "What the hell was that—?" Cole asked. "My money's on Nadine's men." Nate replied. "Yeah, same here. They'll use any excuse to use dynamite." I said. "They'd have to be pretty dumb to use it in here." Elena said and I chuckled. "Yeah, they're pretty dumb." Nate said when my flashlight goes out.

"Uh oh." I said as I started to smack the flashlight to get it to work but nothing. "Well, good thing I still got my..." Nate started to say when his light goes out, plunging us into darkness. "You just had jinx us, didn't you?" I said to him. "You guys bring any spare batteries?" Cole asked us. "Yeah, yeah. But, they're at the bottom of the ocean." I replied. "We won't ask." Elena said. "And we won't tell." Nate said when both of our lights comes on. I sighed with relief and we continue on through.

"Guys, look. Footprints stop here." I said as we came into this room and up to this blocked up doorway. "They must've made it through and it collapsed behind them." Elena said as Nate comes up the door then grabs the wooden pole. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Just gonna move this out of the way, here." He said as he starts to pull then I join in on pulling it. Then Cole and Elena started to help is but then we heard something rumble then all four of us look up to see that the large stone above the entrance started to fall.

All of us stand up and jump back as the stone lands on the rubble, blocking that way, completely. "Damn it." Cole grumbles. "We'll have to find another way." Nate said and we try to look around but then mine and Nate's flashlight begins to flicker again. "Oh no." I muttered. "Just hold out a little longer...!" Nate pleads but both of our lights go out, putting us into darkness once again. "Crap." Nate mutters. "Hello darkness, my old friend." I muttered as I hear Nate hitting his flashlight.

"Come on. Damn it." He grumbles, annoyed. "Hey— you still have Sam's lighter?" I asked Nate. "Yes! Good idea." He said and I hear him pull out the lighter and start to flick it on. "C'mon. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." Nate said, desperately, as he tries to flick the lighter,  but nothing. "Of course he used it all up." He said, annoyed, and I let out a sigh. "Smoked like a damn chimney on the boat ride over..." I muttered.

"Relax, I brought some matches." Elena said. "You did?" Nate and I asked her. "Of course." She said then him hear a match run across a surface then a small light appears on the other side of the cave, where I could just make out Elena standing there. "There we go." She said and I see Cole walking up to her as Nate and I make our way over there.
But Elena scoffs and drops the match. "Ow! Sorry. Just... one sec." She said and I hear footsteps leaving. "Hello?" Nate calls out. "Over here." Elena said, it sounded like she was higher up and a few feet away. I try to take baby steps when I heard something hit the cavern roof. "Ow! Ow, that's my head." Nate exclaims just as I felt someone step on my foot.

"Ow! That's my foot." I said. "Sorry." Cole said as we try to walk through until we see the bright yellow-orange color of flames a few feet ahead of us. "Over here." She said and we go over to her to see she had lit up a torch and was lighting another one. "Thanks. Glad you came prepared." Nate said to her as he takes the second torch. "Somebody had to." Elena said, smiling. "C’mon, let’s find a way forward." Cole said as we start to look around.

"Nice romantic lighting, huh?" I asked and Cole looks over at me. "Yeah, you're right. All that's missing is a nice cooked dinner and music." Nate said. "You guys have a funny idea of romantic." Cole said, smiling, which made me laugh. "Yes we do." Nate and I said, in unison, as I look up to see a hole.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now