Chapter 12: The Siblings Drake

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Sam rides up to a mansion with his motorcycle, Nate was sitting behind him while I was in the side car. "Well... there it is." Sam pointed out to us. "Who the hell lives here, anyway?" I asked Sam as we looked at the mansion, which looked spooky and abandoned. "I have no idea. But this is definitely the address. Been scoping the place out for the past few days. No one's home." Sam said and he takes us around the back of the house.

Moments later, we unloaded from the bike and climbed over the fence into the backyard. "And here we are." Sam said as he spreads his arms out and we look up at the mansion. "Whoa..." Nate and I said in awe. "This place is humongous." Nate remarked, making Sam laugh. "Where do we even start?" I asked Sam. "Eh well, we start by finding a way in. And then we can take the grand tour." He replied and we started walking towards the house.

"You think this place has an alarm?" Nate asked. "Let's try and find a way in that doesn't involve breaking a window." Sam said and we come up to the house and I walk up to the front door. "Pretty sure the front door will be locked." Sam warns me but I go up to the door and pull the handle, nothing. "See? What'd I tell you?" Sam said to me as I turn to him. "Well, it was worth a try." I said, shrugging, as I walk back to my brothers and we look around.

"Guys, look! There's an open window!" Sam said as we come up to one side of the house and he points at a window from looked like was the attic area. "Oh, yeah." Nate and I said as Sam starts to climb up the house. "Here. Follow me." He said as he holds his hand out to us. Nate gestures for me to go first, so I run and jump, grabbing Sam's hand and he pulls me up. "Alright." Sam mutters then he kneels down and holds his hand out to Nate, who runs, jumps and grabs his hand.

"There you go." Sam said after he pull Nate up and we began to climb up and around the house until we got to the window. "C'mon, you two." Sam said as he climbs through the window. "Whoa..." Nate said once he climbs through the window and I follow him. 

Once inside, I could see what looked like boxes of stuff and a few artifacts laying around. It looked like some of this stuff hadn't been touched in a long time. "Spooky." I remarked as I look around the dark room. "Yeah. Well, here. I brought a couple of spares." Sam said as he tosses Nate and I a couple of flashlights. We turned our flashlights on and began to look around.

"So, are we looking for any particular room?" Nate asked Sam. "Just keep an eye out for any books, journals, any kind of research papers, you know?" Sam said as we split up and looked around. I came up to a white box then pulled it out. "Hmm, nothing in here." I whispered as I just see old camping equipment inside. I closed the lid and continued with the search.

"Eh, it's not going to be in this attic. Boxes are filled with old traveling and camping equipment." Sam said to us and we went to the small floor door that leads to the rest of the house. "Down we go." Sam said as he opens the door and jumps down through it, Nate and I follow him.

"So, how do we find them?" I asked. "What, Mom's notebooks? I mean, don't you remember? She always used that off-white leather binding." said Sam. "Yeah, we know....but it's such a large place. It's like finding a needle in a haystack." Nate said as we walked down a hallway, which was covered floor to ceiling of boxes.

"Here we go. White leather. Sam! (Y/n)! I think I found one." Nate shouts as he holds up a book. "For real?" I asked him as he flips the book over. Nate frowns and sighs. "'s not one of Mom's."

"You got the right idea, though. Let's keep looking." Sam said and we continue one with exploring this large house. "Hey, these boxes remind you of anything?" Sam asked us a few minutes later. "Every place we ever lived." Nate and I said, in unison. "Exactly." Sam replied and I sighed in sadness. "I remember Dad always being like, Why bother unpacking? We're just gonna move again in a month." Nate grumbles. "Yep. Always the asshole." Sam mutters.

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