Chapter 4: Once A Thief...

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Nate, Sam and I were sitting near the mansion, Sam watching it with binoculars. "See anything yet?" Nate asked. "Just a bunch of high class, low-life criminals, all cleaned up for prom. And no sign from Sullivan yet." Sam replied. "Well, there's still plenty of time." I said ad Nate pulls out his binoculars and looks over the mansion. "Looks like the storage room is in the building behind the manor. You see it from up there?" He said to Sam. "Just the very top of it. Ooh, I wonder what they got tucked away in there?" Sam asked, with intrigue, and I look over at him.

"Let's just focus on Avery's cross, okay?" I said. "I don't know. You sure you don't wanna pick up something for the husband?" Sam asked then he looks over at Nate. "Or for the wife?" He asked. "That's cute. Just keep it simple." Nate said. "Right. Simple. It’d be a whole lot simpler if it was just the three of us." Sam grumbles.

"Sam..." Nate and I said, exasperated. "We could be inside already." Sam replied. "Yeah. Not cleanly." I said. "Have you two even thought about a backup plan in case Sullivan gets cold feet?" Sam asked us. "No, because he won't." Nate replied. "Or if he got caught?" Sam asked with worry.

"Sam....he knows the people running the auction. He's gonna schmooze his way right through that party, get upstairs, unlock the window, and we're in. It's a solid plan." Nate said. "Uh-huh." Sam mutters, not convinced.

"All right, fine. Go ahead. Say it." I sighed. "What if he stole the cross for himself?" Sam asked us. "Not in a million years." I replied. "Victor Sullivan. The same Victor we're talking about, right?" Sam asked us. "Yes, he's double-crossed people in the past. But not us." Nate replied. "No. Not you two." Sam said.

"Look, we know you two have never seen eye to eye." I said and Sam scoffs at this. "Huge understatement." He mutters. "But Nate and I trust him, all right? He's family." I said and Sam looks over at me with a glare. "No, no, no, look— we just need you to trust him too." Nate said and Sam sighs in defeat. "Fine, fine." He said. "He'll come through for us. Eventually." Nate said.

"But, I mean, come on, you have to at least just for one second consider the possibility—" Sam started to say when he stops then said. "There." I look through my binoculars and see Sully signaling us through a window. "See? Trust." Nate said to Sam as Sam does Nate's jumpsuit zipper up. "Hey—" Nate exclaims. "Just try to keep your tux clean." Sam said and Nate unzips his jumpsuit. "Thanks." He mutters as I roll my eyes and zip up my jumpsuit, to cover the black dress I was wearing underneath.

"I can't believe I'm out. Can't believe I'm here...with both of Italy, huh?" Sam said as we start to walk. "Same here." I said. "Yeah, me either...just wish the circumstances were less tense. You know?" Nate said. "Yeah, well..." Sam said, vaguely, as he shrugs. "Well, the sights are a bit more enjoyable that way." I said. "Oh... uh... so this— this isn't your first time here?" Sam asked us. "No, it's more like...third?" Nate said, questionable, as he looks over at me. "Yeah, I think so. We had a couple of odd jobs." I said to Sam. "With Sullivan?" Sam asked, a hint of hurt and anger in his voice. "Well... yeah." Nate and I replied at the same time. "Okay." He mutters as we come to a cliff and see a bridge across from us, leading towards the mansion.

"There’s no way up onto that bridge." Sam said as he points towards the bridge. "Well, there's that exposed beam underneath." Nate pointed out. "Hey, you think you can rope it?" Sam asked Nate. "Do I think I can rope it?" Nate scoffs as he yanks the rope from Sam's hand. "Hmmph. Watch this." Nate mutters as he starts to swing the rope. "I’m watching." Sam said as he folds his arms across his chest.

Nate swings the rope towards the beam but misses completely. "I, uh...I missed..." he said, embarrassed, and Sam laughs at this while I smirk and roll my eyes. "Well, you see, it's...ah, it's all in the wrist." Sam said as Nate swings the rope again and this time it attaches to the beam. "Ha. See?" Nate exclaims, in a cocky tone. "Yeah, it's not bad...for a second attempt." Sam mutters and Nate grabs onto the rope and swings over to the cliff and grabs onto a ledge. 

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now