Chapter 11: The Thieves of Libertalia

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"This is— I mean— I'm speechless. Holy shit, guys!" Sam exclaims as we look around the abandoned city. "That's your idea of speechless?" I asked Sam and he chuckles. "God. How long do you think it took to build this place?" He asked us. "Years. Decades, even." Nate replied as we look around the decrypted buildings. "How the hell did they keep it a secret all that time?" I asked, astonished, and my brothers just shrug.

"It's's just...even without the treasure, this is quite the find." Sam said. "If only Alcazar saw it the same way." I said as I look over at Sam. "You just can't let us enjoy this, can you?" Sam asked me and I let out a small chuckle. "I'm enjoying it...but we have a goal here, remember?" I said to him. "She's right, Sam. We can't get too distracted." Nate said to our eldest brother. "Trust me, I know about the goal." Sam said. "That's all I'm saying." I said as I hold my hands up for a moment. "Okay, then." He said once I place my arms down and we began to head towards the tower.

"Hey, guys, check it out. It like a pirate code a conduct." Nate shouts as he points at a large sign. "Hmm... thought the whole point of this place was not having rules?" Sam asked. "Even pirate ships had their own rules." I said as we looked at the sign then we walked off. "Can you guys imagine this place back in it's hayday? The shops open...crusty old pirates hanging around..." Sam said before he chuckles and I just smile and shake my head.

We walked around a bit until I spotted a statue then I smiled. "Captain Avery. Was wondering when you’d turn up." I said as I pointed at the statue then Nate and I run up to it to look it over. "What's this symbol?" Nate asked as he gestures the back of the statue. I look and see a painted mark of a skull with an X under it and a line across the top if it's head. "That's...odd..." I muttered. "I saw a few of them when I was coming to find you two." Sam replied.

"Who's marking these places? Is this another sigil?" Nate asked. "No. Not that I know of." Sam said, shrugging. "Maybe invaders? I mean, I'm sure these guys had plenty of enemies out there." I said to them. "Pshh... That's a good point." Sam said and we make our way through a building then found some jail cells.

"Guess even a pirate utopia needs a place to lock up riff-raff." I remarked as we look over the cells. "Can you imagine who pirates put in prison? That's a little hypocritical don't you think? Pirates having a jail?" Sam asked, chuckling. "Well, I guess every group has its assholes." Nate replied and we make our way through the building.

"Hey Sam...(y/n). C'mere. This looks promising." Nate calls out as he points towards a walkway. "Right behind you." I said and Sam and I follow him as we ducked under the debris, which was perched precariously above the small opening, and follow him into what looked like an underground room.

"Looks like a hideout of some kind." I remarked as we turn on our flashlights. "Yeah, but who would they be hiding out from? Themselves?" Sam asked. "Look at this." Nate said and we follow him and see a large map, hanging on the wall. "Looks like the layout of the commercial district." He said. "Yeah and... Boom here's our treasury right there. See, there's the tower." Sam said as he points out on the map. "What were these guys up to?" I whispered.

My brothers didn't have the answer as they shrug and started to look around to find our way out of the hideout. I look around then see a ladder, I climb up then make a left turn when I see a light in the distance. I come upon the light and see that it's coming through the well. "That's our way out of here." I said as we come up to a well. I throw my grapple hook on the bar and start to make my way down the well. "I see some light down below..." I said to Nate. "Just be careful." He said as I start to repeal my way down and ended up coming out of the bottom of the well and into the other part of Libertalia.

"Holy shit!" I said in awe as I look at the cliff then I turn around to see more buildings. "Hey...uh...I think I found the rest of the colony!" I shouted then I swing over to a platform and landed on it just as I heard a voice shout. "There’s more building this way." 

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now