Chapter 16: No Escape

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"Is that...a galleon?" Elena asked as we go through the exit of the cave. "Yeah. Sure looks like it." Nate said and we began to make our way up to a cliff. As we get on top, we looked out in awe as we see hundreds of wrecked ships. "Holy crap." Nate and I exclaimed. "It's a ship graveyard." Cole stated as Nate looks to the side and saw something.

"Looks like we can get down this way." He said as he points to a walkway next to us. "Yeah, looks... safe." Elena said, uncertain. "It's about as safe as anything on this island." I said and she nodded as we make our way around. 

Minutes later, we hear another explosion. "We're getting closer to them." Nate said as we jumped down on another cliff and walked up to the side. "After him!" A voice shouted and we looked down to see some of the Shoreliners shooting at Sam, who was avoiding the oncoming bullets.

"Ah, crap. Look." Nate said to Elena and Cole and they watched with us as I placed a hand over my mouth. "We've got him pinned down, c’mon!" One of the Shoreliners shouted. "That's Sam." I whispered. "He's surrounded." Cole said, worriedly. "Yeah..." Nate and I said as I lowered my hand. "C'mon. We gotta find a way to the beach." Nate said and we started to make our way down while also taking out some Shoreliners, who spotted us. 

It was basically an all out war as we took cover and fired at the men, while also making down to the wrecked ships and getting closer to Sam. "Ah, the bigger they are... the harder they are to take down!" I shouted as it took me a few extra bullets to take out a bigger guy. "Elena! Cole! This way!" Nate shouts as we continued to run. Then I saw a couple of machine guns and picked them up. "Nate!" I yelled and he looks over at me and I tossed one of the guns to him. "Now we’re talking!" He said and both of us walked ahead and fired with our new guns.

"C'mon. We can cut through the ship's hold." Elena said and we go through another ship and continued on with the gun battles. "You guys okay?" I asked Elena and Cole once we took out the Shoreliners in this ship and had to toss away our machine guns since they ran out of bullets. "Super." Cole replied, sarcastically. "Yeah, I’m okay enough. Now let's find your brother." Elena said and Nate and I nodded and we start to look around for a way out.

"Hey, we can squeeze through here." Nate did as he points at a narrow doorway which was half blocked. Nate pushes the top debris up on one side and pushed his body up against the other side that way Elena, Cole and I could duck and get through. "Okay... now where did Sam go?" I asked as we get out of the ship. "He went this way!" A voice shouted and we looked over and see some of the Shoreliners running off in one direction. "Well, there's your answer." Cole said just as some of the Shoreliners spotted us. We pulled out our guns and begin to fight our way through.

"Nate, up on the ship— It's Sam!" I said as I pointed at a ship a few miles from us. Up ahead, Sam was firing at some of the men but then ducks down and takes cover as a bunch of the Shoreliners shoot at him at the same time. "Ah shit, he's pinned down." Nate grumbles and we make our way through.
"Sam!" Nate and I shouted at him and he looks over and sees us. "Nathan?! (Y/n)?!" He exclaims. "Stay put, we're coming to you!" Nate yells as more men fire at us. "Fight fair, you bastards!" Sam yells at the Shoreliners as we shot at them.

"Man, you two are a sight for sore eyes." Sam said to us once we took out all of the Shoreliners. "Yeah." Nate and I said, breathless, as we stared at our brother. "How about we get off this damned beach, huh?" Nate asked him. "Absolutely." Sam replied and we start to make our way to him. "Did you find my lighter?" Sam asked us as we started to walk up to him.

But before we could answer, an explosion goes off behind him and the three of us fall in through the ship we were on. I groaned as my brothers and I get up and Elena and Cole jump down to us. "Shit. We're sitting ducks in here!" Sam yells as we see more Shoreliners firing at us. One of them had an RPG.

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