Chapter 13: For Better Or Worse

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Present Day

"And everything changed after that. Y'know, we became... explorers. Adventurers. Mostly thieves." Nate explained as Elena was attended to his wounds while I was sitting next to him, both of us leaning against a log, and Cole was standing in front of us, his arms folded across his chest. "Ow." Nate exclaims in pain as she cleaned ups his wound. "Okay, just hold still." She said to him. "You know, for a while it felt like... if we weren't taking turns going to jail... it was because we were in jail together. And...after we lost him, we— Or, after we thought...we lost him—" I said, sadly, as I look down at the ground.

"You guys didn't want to bring him back up again." Cole said then I look up at him and nodded. "Something like that." I said. "Well, that’s it. Now you two know everything." Nate said after he let's out a sigh. "With you two, I doubt that that's everything. But... it’s a lot." Elena admits as Cole paces in place and runs his hand over his eyes.

"Love to know what you're thinking." I said as I look right at Cole, who let's out an annoyed sigh. "I'm thinking that you and Nate are lucky that we found you when we did." He said as Elena nods slightly. "Yeah." Nate and I mumble as we nod. "I'm glad neither of you didn't lose a limb or anything. It would've been a royal pain getting you two out of here." Eleqna remarks.

"How did you find us, anyway?" Nate asked her. "Oh you know, easy. Just follow the sound of gunfire." Cole said with sarcasm. "No, I mean, how did you guys get here...?" Nate started to aske when we hear an airplane. "Oh...of course." Nate and I said as Elena pulls out a radio.

"Come in, Sully." She said. "Hey, darlin'." Sully's voice replied through the radio. "How they doing?" He asked. "Oh, you know, they're banged up, but they're alive. Par for the course. Now we just need to rescue the other Drake." Elena said as Nate and I stand up. "What do you mean?" Sully asked. "I’ll let Nate and (y/n) tell you." Elena said and she hands the radio to Nate.

"Hey, pal. Glad you could join us." Nate greets. "Yeah, wouldn't miss it. So what happened to Sam?" Sully asked. "Rafe's got him." I replied, loudly. "Shit. You know where they are?" He asked. "Yeah. They're headed to the northern side of the island. See if you can find a place to set down over there. Once we get Sam, we're going to need to get outta here pretty quick." Nate said to him.

"Copy that. Hey, hey— What about the treasure?" Sully asked. "Forget it. We don't need it." I said to him. "But Alcazar?" Sully asked. "No. There’s no Alcazar. It's all bullshit." Nate replied. "Wait. You mean... the debt, the...the escape?" Sully said, confused and baffled. "Yeah. Sam made it all up. What an asshole, right." I said and Nate chuckles before he speaks. "Look, we'll fill you in on everything when we see you." Nate told him. "Yeah. I can't wait. Look, all four of you be safe down there." said Sully  "You know us." Nate and I said, smirking, as we walk up to Cole and Elena, who pulls out two guns.

"Trade ya." She said to Nate as she gives him a gun and takes the radio and Cole hands me a gun. "Thanks." Nate and I said to them. "Sure." Elena said, softly, as Cole nods and they start to walk off. "No, we mean... Thanks for saving us. Again." Nate said and she looks at Nate then looks down while Cole looks between us  I could tell from the look in their eyes they were still hurt and angry at what we did, I would give anything to change that. "We almost didn't this time." Cole said in a soft firm voice. "Right..." I said, defeated, as Nate nods, sadly. "C'mon. Cole and I got us a ride." Elena said and she and Cole walk off. Nate and I exchange worried looks before I let out a sigh of defeat then start to follow them.

"So... we're head northern side of the island?" Elena asked. "Yeah, New Devon. It's home to the founders of Libertalia." Nate replied. "And that's where Rafe is taking your brother." Cole said. "Treasure's probably there; just need to save Sam before they find it." I said as we walk up this hill. "Look. Up there. We borrowed it from your Shoreline friends." Cole said as he points up the muddy hill, where there was a jeep at the top. "You two slid all the way down from there?" Nate asked them. "Yeah, it was the quickest way to get down to you and (y/n). Now we just gotta figure out another way back up." Elena said then we look over to the side and see a ladder.

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