Chapter 2: Infernal Place

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*Few Years Later*

Nathan's POV

"¡Esto va estar mas fácil de lo que esperaba! Whoo!" Gustavo exclaims after he punches me in the face and I stumble back against the crowd of prisoners. "You're gonna have to do it better than that, pal." I said as I stand back up.

"Acabemos con esto." He said, smiling, as he walks up to me. "Let's go." I shout and we began to fight. "¡Chingada, este gringo sabe pelear, eh! ¡No puedes conmigo!" He taunts as we continue to punch each other then he grabs me and pins me down. "A ver como te sales de esta! ¿¡Qué tal esto?!" He said then he picks me up and throws me towards another inmate, who begins choking me.

"Ah— asshole, let go of me!" I exclaimed and I headbutt the guy and get him off of me. "¡Agarrenmelo!" Gustavo shouts. "Right back at ya!" I shout as I get into position to fight. "¡Lucha como un hombre!" He said. "All right... you asked for it. I got you now." I said and the two of us continue to fight until a warden arrives and stops the fight bt grabb Gustavo.

"Agh! What the hell?!" I exclaimed as another guard comes up and grabs me. "Ya basta, idiotas!" The warden shouts at us. "¡Suéltenme!" Gustavo shouts as well. "Hey, we weren't fighting! Huh?" I said to the warden then I turn to Gustavo. "Right, little guy?" I asked him, which pissed him off. "¡Te voy a matar, gringo comemierda!" He shouts as the guard starts to pull me away. "Hey, give me a call when you're tall enough to ride the rides!" I shout at him. "¡Te voy a sacar las tripas por el culo!" He shouts as Vargas comes up to my guard.

"¡Solitaria!" He said to my guard then he turn to Gustavo, who was still shouting at me. "¡Cállalo!" Vargas yells and the guard drags me away.

"¡Abre!" Vargas orders my guard and he opens the door to this cell that really had nothing in it. "Ah, come on. How long am I supposed to be in here? Huh? And where's the toilet?" I asked as they shove me inside. "You're looking at it. Have fun." Vargas said to me, smiling. "I will. Gracias." I said, sarcastically, as they shut the door, leaving me alone in the room.

Sometime later, the door opens and my eyes shut because of the light of the sun. "Get up." Vargas orders and I slowly get up. "Oh man. I was having a great dream too..." I muttered but then Vargas grabs me and pulls me up to my feet. "Eh... Hey, hey... Easy." I grumbled and Vargas shoves me out. "Go!" He orders me. "All right. Calmate." I said, exasperated, as we pass by some inmates and guards, some of them beating up the inmates. 

*(y/n)'s POV*

I was standing outside of the prison, wearing a prison guards uniform, waiting for Vargas to bring my brother. Sam, Nate and I found out that the next clue to Avery's treasure was close to this prison. Rafe, who decided to join us the last minute, has helped finance this infiltration by paying off the head guard, Vargas, to "arrest" him and my brothers and make me go undercover as a guard.

I had to cut my hair pretty short and wear really baggy clothes to at least appear like a male, since this place is a male prison. Technically, I'm not even supposed to be here but I wanted to help any way that I can.

"Here we are." A voice said and I turn around to see Vargas bringing Nate over in handcuffs. "All right. Okay." Nate mutters as I take off my hat. "Took you guys long enough." I said as I set my hat down on the table near me. "Yeah, yeah...can you be a good sister and take these cuffs off?" Nate said as he gestures towards his cuffs. "What's the magic word?" I asked him and he rolls his eyes at me. "Please?" He asked and I smiled. "Much better." I said then I go behind him and uncuff him. "Thanks." He said as he rubs his wrists.

"I want in." Vargas said, out of the blue. "In?" We asked him, turning to face him. "Whatever you two hope to find up there...I want in." Vargas said to us. "Now c'mon, Vargas, the deal was just to get us in and out of here, that's it." I tell him. “Just? I'm sticking my neck out for you gringos..." He said to me, angrily, as he steps towards me but Nate goes to step in between us. "Yeah, and Rafe is paying you a lot of money for your trouble." Nate stated as he stand, protectively, in front of me and Vargas stops. "Si." Vargas said then he produces an envelope. "But not nearly enough." He said and my eyes widen at this.

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