Chapter 17: A Thief's End

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"Okay...Just gonna head to the creepy mountain, save Sam, get the hell outta here..." Nate said to me as we started running. "Yeah. And then we'll be laughing about the whole thing tomorrow." I said and Nate rolls his eyes when we see footprints. "Hey, look! Footprints." Nate said and I nodded at him. "Let's go." I said and we head off.

Finally, we made it inside of the mountain after having to swing a few times and slide down a few times as well. "We made it." I said in a relived voice, after we landed on top of a cliff. "Yeah, I don't know how we made it, but we made it." Nate said and I patted his arm and we walked for a few feet then we use our grapple and made our way down where we see a pirate ship below.

"Oh my God! Nate, that's Avery's Ship." I exclaimed, in shock. "Holy crap." He said and we swing over to a ledge, grabbed it and climbed up then started to make our way down to the ship. We climbed down then slid our way down to a little lake then we dived under and swam. Moments later, we come up to a wooden platform and we try to push it but the  we heard footsteps above us.

Nate and I stopped pushing as we stayed quiet and listened. We could just see through the cracks of the boards that it was Nadine and her people above us. "We almost done here?" We heard Nadine ask. "This is the last of them, ma'am." A guy replied to her. "Good. If we hurry, we can catch up with the others." She said and we heard a boat take off then more footsteps come up.

"Sam just stole our damn boat. He's headed for Avery's ship. Come on." Rafe's voice said. "Let him. We're done." Nadine said to him. "We're done?" Rafe said, disbelief. "Most of my men are dead, Rafe. And those who aren't have already left." Nadine replied to him.

"Can you see that? The end is literally in sight." Rafe said.  "That maniac pirate of yours has rigged this entire cave. I'm not setting foot on his ship." She argued with him. "Nadine. If you cut and run right now, the loss of all your men— everything that we've done— is for nothing." Rafe said to her, firmly. "We have millions in gold right here. I'd say that plus our lives is something." She said and we hear her walk away.

"No wonder so many of your men abandoned you." Rafe said as Nadine's footsteps stopped. "Excuse me?" She asked. "We're on the verge...of making history here, and you're willing to just walk off with a pittance a fraction of what Sam's gonna get from that boat." Rafe growls at her. "If he can walk away from that ship alive... he can have it. Hell, I'd say he's earned it. God knows you didn't." Nadine sneered then a second later we see Rafe slap her across the face.

"Now, look... We can stand here and insult each other all day... or we can finish what it is that we—" Rafe said but then Nadine punches him and shoves him down. "Oh, we're finishing it all right—" she said as she points her gun at Rafe but then we heard another gun loading. "Sorry, ma'am." One of the Shoreliners said as we see him pointing at gun at Nadine.

They're turning on each other. I thought as Nadine lowers her gun and the guy helps Rafe up. "Yeah... Thing about mercenaries, Nadine... their loyalty, it's bought... it's not earned. Now, come on. Either we finish this thing together... or we can just end it right here." Rafe said to her. She stands there for a moment then said. "Let's go make history."
"Atta girl." Rafe said and they get into a boat and leave.

"Holy shit." I whispered. "We've gotta get to Sam." Nate said and I nodded. "Right behind you." I said and we duck down back into the water then swam under and around the pier. "Let's see what you have in store for us, Captain Avery." Nate said as we climbed up to the pier and get on top of it.

We walked along the pier then jumped back into the water on the other side of the pier. We swam towards the ship when an explosion goes off. "Holy shit!" We shouted as parts of the ship fell off. "Sam..." Nate and I whispered, in fear, and swam as quickly as we could towards the ship. 

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now