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*3rd Person POV*

"Okay, okay! Jump!" The young curly (h/c) boy, Daniel, said to the blonde girl, Cassie, as she plays Crash Bandicoot. "Almost, almost." Cassie whispers as she concentrates. She pushes the button to make the character jump over a giant cavern, but didn't realize she bad to push it again to jump on the second platform as the hole in the ground was bigger than they thought. "NO!" The two kids exclaimed as the bandicoot dies on its last life.

Then the screen goes to black then showed the total score, which the highest is 3,500. The pre-teens sat and watched to see if Cassie beat the score, unfortunately she didn't. She was about 1,000 points behind. "Darn it." Cassie mutters as Daniel sighs. "Well you tried. Maybe next time." He says to his cousin. "Yeah..." she mutters then let's out a sigh while Daniel pets the dog, that was laying on the bed next to him.

"Where are they?" Cassie asked as she looks towards her door. "I don't know. They're taking forever." Daniel said as they get off of her bed and started to walk out of the room. "Mom? Dad?" Cassie calls out as they walk down the hallway. "Uncle Nate? Aunt Elena?" Daniel calls out while the dog starts to bark. "Yoohoo?" The kids called out as they walked into the living room area, but there was no one.

"I think they abandoned us." Cassie jokes, making her cousin chuckle, as they walk into her parents' room. "Maybe they're at my house." Daniel said to her. "Maybe." Cassie said as she walks up to the photo album that was laid on top of the dresser. "Look at this." Cassie said as she shows Daniel a picture of her parents' wedding. "Look at them." Daniel said, smiling. "You dad takes great photos." Cassie said as she flips through a couple of pages then it showed a picture of Daniel's parents' wedding as well.

The photo showed, obviously, the aftermath of the wedding as the four adults stood next to each other, in front of the arch. Nathan standing next to his sister on her left and Cole was on her right with Elena standing next to him, all four of them with smiles.

The kids smile as Cassie flips the page over and showed pictures of Nate and Elena holding a newborn baby girl. Cassie smiles at this as Daniel said. "Aw, look at how cute you were, Cas. What happened?" She turns to her cousin and punches his shoulder, making him laugh. "Jerk." She grumbles then flips the page and saw a picture of Sully holding her up and away from him as he could smell what she made in her diapers. "Heh, sorry Sully." She said as she flips through some more pictures, like one of Sam playing with both of the kids when they were young and one of the two kids riding bikes for the first time, before Daniel speaks up.

"Let's go check my house." Daniel said and Cassie nods and the two kids walk out of the house. Once they open the door, the dog takes off. "Hey!" The two kids said as they dog runs out to the beautiful beach. Daniel chuckles while Cassie scoffs. "Off she goes." She grumbles and they walk off the porch of her house to the house next to hers.

"Mom? Dad?" Daniel calls out once they enter. "Aunt (y/n)? Uncle Cole?" Cassie calls out as well as they walk around the house. "Looks like they're not here either." Cassie said then she sees a photo of her aunt and uncle holding baby Daniel hanging on the wall. "Oh look! You used to be cute too!" She teased and he scoffs at her. "Ha, ha. It's because I hang around you." Daniel teased. "Yeah, whatever." Cassie mutters.

After not finding the adults in his house, the two kids head back outside and started to walk towards the pier where they see a boat. "Perfect day." Cassie sighs as they walked and the nice warm breeze was blowing through their hair. "Yeah. Now all we need is the rest of our boat crew." Daniel grumbles as they walk on the pier. "Hey, Vicky." Cassie said to the dog as they come up to her while she was laying near the boat.

Daniel goes to the cooler and opens it to see food was inside. "Well, the food's all here." Daniel said as he turns around to face Cassie and the dog. "Okay, girl. Where's mom and dad?" Cassie asked Vicky. Vicky sits up and starts to bark then pant as her tail wags. "All right, go find them. Go." Cassie said but the dog begins to whines. "Really? Fine, we'll find them ourselves." Cassie said and she jerks her head backs and the two head over to the third house.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now