Chapter 9: At Sea

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"Hey, Nathan! (Y/n)!" Sam shouts as Nate and I sit in the back of the yacht, thinking about our fight with Elena and Cole. "Yeah?" Nate called out to him. "Land ho!" Sam said as I look up over at him. Nate sighs then taps my shoulder. I nod at him then stand up with him and we head over to Sam and see an island off in the distance.

"What do you guys think out at, huh?" Sam asked us. "That's pretty cool." I said, putting on an attempted smile. "Yeah, it is...." Nate said, softly. "Take the wheel for a second." Sam said as he pats Nate's arm then he walks to the back as Nate takes the wheel.

"You know, all this running around, surviving by the skin of our teeth...I don't think we've actually take to step back and appreciate... just how far we've come." Sam said and he comes back to us and gives us a beer. I take a bottle and open it as Sam opens Nate's bottle then his while he hands Nate's bottle. "Huh? Sic parvis magna." Sam said as he holds up his bottle to us. "Sic parvis magna." Nate and I said together as the three of us clink our bottles together. "Yeah..." Sam said as we drink from our bottles.

"Listen, guys...they'll will get over it. I mean we bring back a treasure like that, anyone would." Sam said as I shake my head. "I don't know." I said. "Yeah....I think maybe I've, ah...done this one too many times." Nate said. "This is the first time I've ever done something like this to Cole. But he seemed really mad...." I said, sadly, as we get closer to the island.

"Huh. Somehow I imagined it... bigger." Sam said as we come upon the island. "Yeah, well, we're definitely in the place. I’ll find us a spot to set ashore." Nate said as he heads to the bigger island. "Well. I mean... at least there's an island, right?" Sam said, shrugging. "At least there's an island." I said, nodding. "Just keep an eye on anything man-made." Nate said. "Ah-ah... you mean pirate-made." Sam jokes. :Ha. Sure." Nate said while I just shake my head.

"So, maybe Libertalia is more of a small beachside shack..." Sam said. "Yeah, maybe it’s a tree house." Nate said. "Or .aune Avery spent his entire fortune setting up this treasure hunt...and ran out of money to actually build Libertalia." Sam said as we come up to the large island and Nate stops it.

"Guys, let's check this out." Nate said. "Sounds good to me." Sam said as I nod and we jump off of the boat and start to look around. "Hey, look!" I shout as I point at a small cave opening with some supplies inside. "Supplies from earlier expedition." I said to my brothers as they make their way to me and we look around.

"What you got there?" Sam asked and I look over to see Nate was reading a note. "Holy crap, Sam...(y/n)...this was written by Burnes’ grandson!" Nate exclaims as he holds up the note before he puts it in his journal. "Well, makes sense: the cross in Panama was hollow. Must be following the same clues as us." Sam said as we head back to the boat.

"Y'know...crazy worldwide treasure hunt aside, Avery had the right idea." Sam said as Nate starts the boat back up and starts to head off. "What's that?" I asked Sam. "Lived  by his own rules. Traveled the world. Made his fortune, his way." Sam said. "Sure." We said. "Apart from the huge bounty on his head." Nate added. "Come all depends on how his story ends, right? Who knows....maybe in the end it was all worth it." Sam replied as we start to look around.

"It's a strange feeling. Like we're finally on the verge of something really great and I'm....I'm excited and terrified all at once. You two have any idea of what I'm talking about?" Sam asked and I sigh at this as Nate doesn't say anything. I look up and see a tower on an island. "Nate, up there!" I said and Nate slows the boat down as we look at it.

"Well, that definitely qualifies as man-made." He said. "Ah, ah...pirate-made." Sam said, dramatically, and I chuckle and roll my eyes as Nate stops the boat and we head towards the tower.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Nathan Drake x Sister!Drake!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now