7 - Make Things So Hard....

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This chapter will have a short masturbation scene! If you are sensitive or dont like reading about that... when you come to that part, skip it. I will give a warning before it starts and when it ends.

- Oliver's POV -

After my phone calls, I head upstairs to check on Aurora. Griffin and Max were not in the room and neither was Aurora.... until I heard water running in the shower. I walk up to the slightly open door and hear the most beautiful sound my ears have ever been blessed to hear. She was singing.

*The song is called Lost Boy by Ruth B. Its a great song! Look it up!*

"There was a time, when I was alone.

No where to go, and no place to call home.

My only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes, he would go away too.

Then one night, as I closed my eyes.

I saw a shadow, flying high.

He came to me with the sweetest smile.

Told me he wanted to talk for a while, he said...

Peter Pan, that's what they call me... I promise that you'll never be lonely...

And eeever... since... that... dayyyyy....."♪

Her voice was so soft and sultry... I felt myself harden just listening to her. For fuck sakes..... this woman can make me hard just by singing. I needed to leave or I would do something I know I would regret.

Walking out of her room... I adjusted myself and soon felt my hard on slowly die down. Damn that was close.

- Outside -

I walk into the backyard and see my guys working hard to build Rajah's new home. When they notice my presence they stop.

"How long have you been standing there?" Griffin asks.

"Not too long." I smirk.

"You're like a fucking ninja! I didn't even hear the back door open and I've been hearing it open and shut the entire time we've been out here!" Max shouted. I laughed.

"That's why they call him Ghost. He's silent but deadly. You will never see him coming..." Derek says waving his fingers in a spooky fashion at Max.

"Griffin, Max." They turn to me. "Aurora said she liked art. I want you to go to the mall and pick up anything and everything related to art and buy it for her. I don't care how much it costs. Sketch books, pencils, pens... whatever she likes to use. Buy it all." I pull out my wallet and show them my black American Express card and hand it to Griffin. He takes it but cant stop looking at me with wide eyes and his mouth gaped open. "Quit mimicking a sex doll and go." I told them. They quickly scurried off. I look back at my guys and all of them except Happy are shaking their heads.

"You really are fucking whipped aren't you?" Charlie asked with a smile.

"Back to work." I stated and rolled my eyes while walking back into the house. Annoying prick. I walked back up the stairs and can still hear her velvety voice behind her door. As she's humming, I close my eyes and picture her lips moving to the words of the song she was singing earlier. Goddamnit.... I'm getting hard again. I shook my head of the thoughts and walk into my room. I need a cold shower.

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