27 - Unknown Number

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- Few Days Later -

- Aurora's POV -

The more days that pass, the more protective Rajah gets. He's starting to whine and moo when I'm not where he can see me. Not to mention he will tear up his enclosure which makes Ollie super mad, but he doesn't blame him knowing he only wants to be next to me and the babies. So everywhere I go now, Rajah follows. He's starting to be okay with people being next to me but he growls loudly if anyone attempts to touch my tummy. The only thing that really gets on Ollie's nerves is the fact that Rajah refuses to sleep on the floor or even at the foot of the bed. Nope. He has to have some part of him touching me while he sleeps. Some nights, it'll be his giant paw resting on my legs or his back to my tummy, but most nights he sleeps with his head on my legs so he can be close to the twins.

Laying in bed drawing, Rajah's head in my lap, the door opens and Bucky comes in. Rajah became immediately alert. I pet him and chuffle telling him it's alright. He relaxes as Bucky approaches the bed and lays down next to me.

"Hey Ro Ro, whatcha drawing?" He asked smiling. Everyone has been so helpful lately. Archie always makes sure I'm getting plenty to eat, my brothers are always massaging my feet and back when Ollie is working and the guys always take turns keeping me company when the rest go on missions. I smile back and show him the drawing of my sonogram. I know I have the picture Regina printed out but for some reason drawing it feels more personal. "By the way what names did you pick? Please tell you didn't go with Derek's suggestions." I laugh.

"Remo if it's a boy and Rilee if it's a girl, but seeing as there are two, I have to come up with two more names in case the twins are two boys or two girls." He chuckled and settled into the bed, getting comfy. He held his hand out to Rajah who chuffled and sniffed, then licked his hand and layed his head back down next to my tummy. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He said and chuffled back at Rajah.

"How did you and Ollie become best friends?" His smile faded and his expression became sullen and more serious. He sighed.

"I found Oliver wandering the woods near my father's cabin. He was living off the land and smelled like he hadn't showered in weeks. Physically he was fit as a fiddle but mentally, he was broken." I interjected.

"Because he killed his father." Bucky's eyes went wide.

"He told you that?" He asked shocked. I nodded. "Yes, because he killed his father. He was very closed off at first but after few weeks went by and the more I went to visit him, the more he opened up. My father was a gentle man and when I told him about Ollie, he wanted to help him. I think my dad was the first father figure to ever show him any sort of affection. I'll never forget Ollie's face the first time my dad gave him a hug. He went stiff as a board and didn't know what to do." He laughed. "Over the years he gradually became part of my family. After my mom passed away, Ollie became my brother. He helped me and my dad get through my mother's death. He was not only supportive but he talked my dad out of killing himself. My dad took my mother's death really hard." As Bucky talked, I wanted to cry. I felt the tears threaten to fall as they blurred my vision. "One day, my father got really sick and we didn't have enough money to help pay the medical bills. So Ollie and I took to selling drugs and guns. Sure, there were times when we thought we were in over our heads but we made a fortune off it and helped my dad. Soon after that, family became the most important thing to Ollie. When we met Happy and that's when we formed our gang."

"How did the other guys come into the picture?" I asked setting my drawing down and turned to face him, although not without some whining from Rajah for turning my tummy away from him.

"We met Ethan on our first gun run. He was a hot headed little shit who always shot first and asked questions later. One night he got into a bad argument with the wrong people and Ollie saved his life. To thank him, Ethan joined our gang. Believe it or not, Derek used to be a street fighter. He was an undefeated champion, but after one fight that left him with a broken leg, four broken ribs and a bruised ego, he was too ashamed to go back to the ring. Ollie admired his fighting skills so Derek joined our little family." He smiled.

"How did you meet Enzo and Archie?"

"Being in a gang comes with targets on your back. Ollie was just making a name for himself as The Ghost and that caused the law to put him on the most wanted list. Somehow, Ollie's profile ended up on Enzo's desk and became his top priority for catpure. Enzo got a lucky break and found us on a drug run for another gang, but things went south when Enzo made the stupid decision to bust the mission. He was taking heavy fire from the rival gang and even though he was hunting us, Ollie stepped in and saved his life. Come to think of it, Ollie saved his ass a bunch of times and Enzo's been thankful ever since. Despite being the FBI's most respected agent, he helped us with information and even went on missions with us. As for Archie, she found out about her brother's affiliation with us and stormed into our house to kick our asses. She met me and we've been all over each other ever since. Our relationship is up and down, on and off again but we always find our way back to one another." He chuckled.

"That's a beautiful story Bucky." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

- Oliver's POV -

"Twins!?" Enzo asked shocked, shaking his head in disbelief. "And here I thought you were gonna shit yourself when you thought it was just one!" He laughed.

"Im freaking out Enzo. Dont get me wrong, Im happy... this may be the most happy I've ever felt but.... two babies? How do I deal with this?" I asked sighing, putting my head in my hands.

"One day at a time brother. One day at a time. It won't be easy that's for sure, but you have us to help you whenever you need it." He smiled.

"Thanks man." I nodded. "By the way, what did you find out about the rival gang for the gun run?" He rolled his eyes.

"They're a small group of wannabe thugs. They want their shipment by the end of the week or they're threatening to kill us but I wouldn't about it. All I have to do is call in a few favors and they'll be picked up lickity split for some quality prison time." He chuckled. "I gotta run though, the boys back at HQ have a mission that needs some of my dazzling expertise." He said proudly as he walked out with his head held high. I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I see a text from an unknown number.

*Unknown Number*
Ever since I saw you, I can't get you out of my head. I want you.

Who is this?

*Unknown Number*
Your secret admirer ;)

Contact this number ever again and I will kill you.

*Unknown Number*
I love when you talk dirty to me. Can't wait to see you again baby.

What the fuck!?

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