25 - Unconditionally

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*I want to thank and give a shout out to Michaela camgrif_ for giving me an idea that inspired this chapter. Thank you girly!*

- Oliver's POV -

I groaned and rolled over, expecting to feel my angel next to me but instead her side was cold and empty. I get up and check the bathroom. I open the door...... nothing. I head downstairs. Charlie and Archie were making breakfast and the guys were all sitting at the table quietly talking amongst themselves. She's not here? A small wave of panic set it but I shake it off as I remembered Juniper. Maybe she went to see her. I walk into the guest bedroom and see Juniper asleep and no sign of Aurora. Where is she!? Panic now seeped into my skin. A cold wave washed over me and my chest felt tight. There's no way it could be Michael. Fucker is locked in the pit and his back is torn to shreds!....The pit! The one place I haven't checked. But, why would she be down there? I ran downstairs in a hurry. I hear everyone yell for me but I ignore them and keep going.

I get to the end of the tunnel and see the door is open. I walk in to the sight of my angel sitting on her knees in a pool of blood next to Michael's lifeless body. What the fuck!? I see the knife lying next to her. Did she? I hear the frantic footsteps of everyone else behind me. When they finally caught up, they were just as stunned as I was at the sight before us. Griffin put his hand on my shoulder, pointing his finger at himself then to Aurora, telling me he'll go first. Please be okay angel. I nod and he proceeds.

"Sissy?" Griffin softly called out to her. She didn't respond. He slowly approached her and when he saw that she was okay, he looked back at me and nodded. All that panic fled my body. I felt as though I was floating. As soon as he touched her shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." She faintly whispered.

"Sissy what happened?" Griffin asked as he rubbed her back and looked down at Michael.

"I had to do it Griff." She pulled away from him. "I know you guys wanted to make him suffer but, I needed to do this." She said placing a hand on his cheek. "I had to do this for me." I was in shock by what I was hearing. She snuck down here and killed Michael herself!? She put her hand on his shoulder, using him to push herself to her feet. Once up, she turned and walked to me. Her face was stained with dried tears. Her knees were caked with blood and dirt. She took my hand and placed it on her cheek. Rubbing her face into my plam. "I'm sorry Ollie, but I had to. I know you wanted to torture and kill him for what he did to me but, you didn't need this closure. I did." She looked up at me with those doe eyes. Taking a life is no easy task on the mind. Some people can't handle it and have a mental breakdown they can't recover from. Their brains can't comprehend what happened and it short circuits. Some get a feeling of euphoria and become addicted to the rush. Wanting and needing to feel that rush again and again. The worst is, some become shells of their former selves. The vessel is functioning but the driver has permanently exited the vehicle. But she seems completely fine... I have never once felt this confused in my life. "Can you forgive me?" She asked, jolting me out of my thoughts. I picked her up and held her to my chest.

"Of course angel but, why did you do it?" I asked putting her back down.

"When you were talking about your father, I got angry. When you killed him, you took back control of your life. I needed to do the same." She paused. "I was tired of the constant fear he had over me. So I decided enough was enough. I took the keys and came down here to face my fears." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My shy, timid little angel now seems confident and sure of herself. Not that I wasn't happy but, the sudden change in her attitude was hard to adjust to. Suddenly she covered her mouth and panic filled her eyes. She quickly turned to the side and puked into the dirt. I gently pulled her hair away from her face and rubbed her back.

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