30 - Bitter

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- Oliver's POV -

Chunk by chunk, Rajah devoured her. Her bones breaking and crunching between his teeth echoed in the room mixed with his terrifying guttural, posessive growls. He's probably thinking this is my kill and I wish I could tell him, you're right buddy that's all yours.... but I'm pretty sure if I opened my mouth I would vomit. Half her face and her entire lower jaw is gone. Her left arm and hand are gone. A gaping hole where her stomach and insides should be, is gone. I really hope her crazy didn't seep all the way through her. As I'm watching with awe and disgust, all feeling disappears and is replaced with a soothing calmness when I feel my angel's arms wrap around my waist.

"I missed you." She whispered. I grab her face and kiss those pouty lips I love so much.

"I missed you too angel." Her smile made any pain I was experiencing dull to nothing. "Let's go home." I smile at her. She nodded.

"Rajah." She called and he stopped, looking over his shoulder at her. "Come." He slowly raised off the ground and walked over to her, chuffling as he approached. His face dripping with blood. "Good boy." She grabbed my hand and we left this horrid place behind.


We get home and hear screaming coming from upstairs. We bust open the door to Juniper's room and see her trying to get away from Regina. Ethan immediately ran to comfort her.

"Ethan!" Juniper cried as he wrapped her up in his arms.

"Shhh. It's okay Juni, I'm here." He rubbed her back and kissed her head. He looked at the needle Regina was holding.

"She's running a high fever. I need to get some antibiotics in her system. Pills won't cut it at this point." She explained. Ethan nodded and looked back at Juniper, holding her face in his hands.

"Look at me." Juniper shook her head, still shaking from fear. "Please princess?" He begged. Princess? That's the nickname you went with bruh? She shook her head again. He kissed her forehead, her tear soaked eyes, her nose... but when he kissed her lips, her eyes shot wide open. Ethan pulled away and smiled. "She's going to give you some medicine. You need it to help you feel better. Can you do that for me?" Juniper side eyed Regina but Ethan quickly blocked her view with his hands on the sides of her eyes. "Focus on me. It's just me and you." He smiled. He nodded for Regina to get it over with. She swabbed an area on Juniper's arm and gave her the shot. Now packing up her things, Regina walked over to us.

"How are you feeling Aurora?" She smiled and eyed Rajah. "May I feel her belly?" She asked him while slowly moving her hand towards my angel's stomach. As she made contact, Rajah watched her carefully.

"What!?" Derek whined. "How come you get to touch her belly and we don't!?"

"Tigers are smarter than you think. He knows I'm just checking on the babies and mean them no harm." Regina smiled at Rajah and chuffled. When he chuffles back her smile got bigger. "I'll be back in the morning to do some further testing and another ultrasound." I nodded and she left.

"I'm tired Ollie." I look down at my angel and see her yawn. Fuck... she's adorable.

"Let's get you to bed then." Everyone goes their separate ways and we head into my room. After giving Rajah a much needed bath, he hopped onto the bed and snuggled next to my angel. "I need to talk with the guys, I'll be back soon okay?" She yawned again and nodded, putting her arm around Rajah's large torso and nuzzling her face into his fur.

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