8 - Movie Night

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I want to clarify that this is NOT a ddlg story!!! Aurora may act excited like a child and may sound or say some things as a child would... but that is because she is innocent. She doesn't know anything when it comes to the subject of sex.... Just wanted to make sure everyone knows.

Enjoy :)

- Aurora's POV -

I slowly wake up to see Oliver sitting on the bed looking at me. He smiles... I smile back and it seems to brighten his mood even more. I like when he smiles. I'm beginning to feel a bit more comfortable around him. Ever since that hug in my room that freaked me out, he has toned down on how much he touches me. A kiss on the head or cheek now and then but nothing major. I blush when I look at his lips. I remember the kiss he gave me. His lips were so soft. I look back at his eyes and he raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you for all my gifts." I said softly and I lifted myself up a bit to kiss his cheek. Even his cheek is soft. I pull back from him and giggle. He's broken again... he's staring off into space with a shocked look on his face. "Ollie?" I said and he blinked really fast and shook his head.

"Um... yes angel?" He kinda hesitated.

"Are you okay?"

"Mmhm." He nodded and hummed. "Guess what?" He asked and smiled again.


"I made your favorite dish for dinner. Chicken alfredo with peas." He said.

OH MY GOSH! He made my favorite dinner! Like Max used to make me. I think that deserves two kisses. I squeal and hoist myself up again and kissing his other cheek, putting my hands on his shoulders for balance. Kinda taken aback by my reaction he lightly jolts back. The mattress is really soft and fluffy and kinda hard to maneuver on. I loose my balance and before I fall completely into his lap, I grab onto his neck... wrapping my arms around him.

The world stopped. He was staring at me and breathing kinda fast. His body was warm and his chest felt really nice against mine. Finally breaking the silence....

"Can I kiss you angel?" He asked sweetly. He wants to kiss me? Me!? I slowly nodded and he brought his lips up to mine. When they touched I felt a shock of electricity spark my lips. I realize it may have just been static but... Holy moly! My first real kiss.

- Kitchen -

Walking into the kitchen, I see my brother and blush bright red. I don't know why... but something in me says that they already know what happened... the kiss.... Shut up... you're stressing over nothing. They don't know cause they were down here the whole time. Bucky winks at me and pulls out a chair.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him and sitting down.

"You're welcome M'lady." He says in a deep voice and bows his head. I giggle, he lifts his head and winks at me again.

"Alright Charlie, quit flirting." Ollie growls lightly and pulls out the chair next to mine, sits down and scoots really close to me. He was about to grab the spoon but stopped midway and put his arm back down. His eyes slowly look over to Derek who seems to be a little figgity in his seat. It takes me a moment to notice but everyone except Derek has a plate in front of them. I wonder why he's not eating?

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