28 - Magical Little Things

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- Oliver's POV -

- Middle Of The Night -

I never thought one person could change me so much. I thought I was a changed man when I became friends with Charlie and found my gang, but meeting my angel changed me in a whole new way. She filled that empty void in my heart. Don't get me wrong, my old self is still very active and will come out at any given moment, but she has tamed the raging flames of a building completely engulfed to controlled campfire. The weird thing is, she didn't even have to try. I wanted to. That's the scary part. I wanted to change for her. To be someone that was worthy of being with her. Someone she deserved. She is the light that shines even in my darkest of places.

I watch her sleep, staring at her growing belly moving up and down as she breathes. I try not to laugh as Rajah wakes up every now and then to check on her. He has basically stolen her from me. Our bed is big enough for him to sleep on either side of her but the little shit insists on sleeping in between us. I've woken up and found him sandwiched in the middle, got up and went to her other side... woke up again with him sandwiched between us again. I try not to get too mad though. He's protective of her and my babies. My babies. Pulled out of my thoughts, my phone buzzes with an incoming text.

*Unknown Number*
I've been thinking of you.

This shit again. I've had Happy try and trace the number but they are using a burner phone. I don't even know where to start thinking of who it could be. I've fucked over and pissed off so many people, it's a needle in a haystack situation at this point.

*Unknown Number*
Don't ignore me. That will only piss me off.

What the fuck do you want?

*Unknown Number*
You of course 😉

I'm happily taken.

*Unknown Number*
Oh you mean by your "angel"?

*Unknown Number*
That's right, I know about her and she won't get in the way of us being together.

You get anywhere near her and I will dismember you in ways that will make the devil blush.

*Unknown Number*
She's too weak to be with someone like you.

She's the weak one, yet you text me from an unknown number and won't even tell me who you are. You sure you're not confusing yourself?

*Unknown Number*
You'll find out soon enough baby. I'm coming for you.

Bitch bye.

My head feels like exploding. I try and push back my growing anger and get ready for the gun meeting. A knock on the door makes Rajah's head shoot up and his body tense. I shush him and pet his head before getting out of bed. Opening the door I see Charlie standing there.

"You ready? Enzo just got here." He said.

"Give me five minutes. I'll meet you guys outside." He nods and leaves. I quickly get dressed and walk over to my sleeping angel. I lean down and kiss her head. "I love you angel. I'll be back before you wake up." I gently lift her shirt and kiss her belly. "I love you too my little angels." I put her shirt back down and cover her. Looking at Rajah, he stares at me. "Watch over momma while I'm gone okay buddy?" He chuffles. "Good boy." I leave the room and head outside to find the guys all standing around. "Let's go."


We pull up to this abandoned warehouse in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. This shit seems shady. All my senses are going off the charts. I've been to many gun meetings before, even selling to new upcoming gangs but for some reason this time feels off. We get out and ten to fifteen guys are just standing around. They look nervous.

"You worried about something?" I asked the guy who I assumed was the leader standing in the middle of his crew.

"Just taking the necessary precautions." He took a long look at each of my guys. "Is this all you brought?" The question almost sounded like a threatening insult but I let it slide.

"They're all I need." I gritted. This little punk is already getting on my nerves. "We gonna do this or not?" He nodded.

"Let's talk in my office." I begin to walk towards him with my guys in tow but he held his hand up. "Just us. My guys are staying out here, so yours will too." I turn to my crew and nod. We get to his office and sit down at his desk. "Would you like something to drink?" He waves his hand at a display of drinks sitting on a table near the desk.

"This is a business deal, not a slumber party." I roll my eyes. "My informant tells me you want a wide variety of guns. Shotguns, sniper rifles, machine guns and anti-tank rifles. That's some heavy fire power for an upcoming gang." I sat back in the chair.

"Have to make our mark somehow right? Get our name in the game." He smiled. I really don't like this punk. "I'll give you a hundred thousand for the guns and another two hundred thousand apon delivery."

"Being a new gang in the "game" and all, where are you getting this type of cash to pay for all this?" I raised my eyebrow.

"This isn't a slumber party remember? How I get my money is none of your concern." I clenched my fist at his snarky remark.

"It is when you meet with me. My reputation for clean deals is how I stay in business." I stared at him.

"They told me you were smart." He chuckled. They? The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Before I could react, I feel a sharp sting in the side of my neck. This little shit's smile is the last thing I see before my vision goes dark.


I slowly wake up in a cold damp room, tied to a chair with ropes and chains. My head feels like a lead weight and my chest and throat burn when I breathe.

"You look hot being tied up like that." A shrill voice enters the room but I hear two sets of footsteps. As my vision comes to focus I see two women standing in front of me. Claire? Mya?  I growl and muster up as much energy as I could to break free. My muscles hurt and my skin felt paper thin. "It's no use trying to break free baby." She tries to touch my face but I spit in hers before she could. She giggles and wipes her face off then licks her hand. These bitches are more psycho than Michael was.

"You have no idea...." I was going to threaten her but she stopped me.

"What we're doing?" She finished. "On the contrary my love. We do know what we're doing."

"You have no idea what you got yourselves into. Why don't you ask Michael how it ended for him when he fucked with me." I gritted through my teeth and tried again to wiggle free from my bonds. I wince as my skin rubbed harshly against the ropes. They laugh. I watch as Mya pulls a needle out from behind her back, walking around me and kissing my neck before sticking me again.

"Drugs. Magical little things, aren't they?" Their shrill laughter fills my ears before I blackout once again.


Hey guys, sorry it's taken so long for another update... but I have many projects going on and issues that are hindering my creativity. But I want to thank you for your patience and understanding. It's really helping to know that you guys care and are sticking with me. You guys are the best! I hope you guys like this chapter! Let me know what you think!

By the way, there will be a time jump in the next chapter. Just so you know 😊

Love you guys! ✌

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