22 - Hypocrisy, Jealousy, Bait... Oh My!

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- Oliver's POV -

Idiots. I'm surrounded by fucking idiots! Sitting in my office, we are all trying to come up with a way to catch and or preferably just kill Micheal. So far, I've been pitched some rather stupid ideas. Derek wants a full frontal attack. To just walk up to him in broad daylight and shoot him in the head, until I had to remind the stupid fuck that we had to find him first. This is the family you chose. So.... you want to be mad at someone? Be mad at yourself.

"How haven't you found him yet? Are you not the FBI?" I asked Enzo who was sitting on my left.

"Yes Oliver, the FBI... not fucking wizards!" He exclaimed rolling his eyes. "We can use Aurora as bait." Enzo suggested. I pulled my gun out with blazing speed, cocked it and pointed it right between his eyes.

"You ever suggest something like that again, I will make sure you don't survive the next bullet." I growled. If he thinks that I'm putting her in that situation, he's dead wrong. Emphasis on 'dead'.

"Well do you have a better idea? Cause so far we have, shoot him in broad daylight and a half assed, not very well thought out plan to lure him into a trap. If you have something better, please do share." He huffed leaning back in his chair.

"Change your tone. You may be the FBI but you are in MY house. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna be disrespected in my own fucking home." I said glaring at him. His faced softened into an apologetic one. "We are not using Aurora as bait. If anyone brings it up again..." I looked around the room then directly at Enzo. "...I will not hesitate to kill them." I stood up. "We're done for now. I need to leave before I end up shooting one of you fucktards. See yourselves out." I hissed and left, slamming the door behind me. The mere mention of using her had me fuming. My mind was slipping into a dark place. I need my angel.

I walked up to her room and heard her humming. I quietly opened the door and see her drawing a picture of a lion. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her, burying my face into her neck and breathing deep. Fuck she smells so good. I could feel my heart beat slow down back to normal. Her high pitched scream made me wince a bit. Well she definitely has a set of lungs on her.

"I'm sorry angel. I didn't mean to scare you." I whispered in her ear and tightend my grip around her. I feel her hand rub my arms.

"Are you okay?" She asked grabbing my hands and pulling them away so she could turn around. Once she was facing me, I grabbed her again into my embrace and bury my face into her hair. Mmmm.... cinnamon and vanilla. "Ollie?" She said breaking me out of my trance.

"Go on a date with me." I lifted my head to see her face shocked. Eyes wide and mouth open. So fucking adorable. I put my finger on her chin, slowly closed her mouth and kissed her soft lips. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes!" She smiled and nodded. Feeling that high return, I smiled and kissed her again.

"Go get ready then baby." I smiled. She squealed and clapped her hands, skipping to the bathroom.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I open the door and see Enzo standing there with a worried look.

"What now?" I asked irritated.

"I just got a call from the captain. He said one of his men spotted Michael in the area." He sighed.

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