10 - "Don't Let Go."

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- Aurora's POV -

It's been a few days now and I'm starting to warm up to the guys. Of course, Griff and Max being here helps a ton. The guys are really sweet. They all came up with their own nicknames for me. After a lot of begging, Ollie said okay, and let them each call me by the name they chose. He didn't like it at first but he said as long as no one calls me Angel, he's good with it. Plus I like when he calls me angel. It sounds better coming from him... or maybe I'm just that used to it.
Bucky calls me Ro Ro.
Ethan calls me Darlin'.
Derek calls me Rora.
Happy calls me Sugar Pie.
And of course Griff and Max have always called me Sissy.. since I was born.

I was in the middle of painting Rajah sleeping under Pearl's chin when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said while mixing colors to get the right shade of orange for Rajah's fur. Bucky opens the door and has a big smile on his face.

"You wanna go to the beach?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Okay get ready." He chuckled before leaving.

I love the beach, except for one thing... the ocean. It's terrifying. Sea creatures that can and most likely will eat you alive, waves so heavy and strong they can carry you out to sea to be lost forever, you can drown.... Okay enough of that... you're syking yourself out. I shake my head and go to grab a t-shirt and shorts. Surprisingly, Ollie offered to buy me some new clothes and whatever else I wanted at the mall. I have a bathing suit cause Max insisted... but I don't like wearing it because of my scars. I have scars all over my back and upper arms. Long slashes from being whipped by my foster father. I'll put it on under my clothes, but I'm not taking my shirt off.

I put a few things in my bag like my sketch pad and a few pencils, then head downstairs. I get there and a few of the guys were already shirtless. I stop immediately and blush... my eyes looking at the ground. I hear a few giggles and what sounds like somone slapping somone else... then see two feet approach me. I feel a hand cup my chin and raise my face. Ollie. He smiles...

"You look beautiful, are you ready?" I smile and nod.

- The Beach -

When the salty air hit my nose I was in heaven. The sand was warm and the water was of course beautiful but scary. We found the perfect spot to set everything up. It was away from the crowds, which Oliver demanded with an icy glare that no one bothered us. I set up the umbrella and lay down the blanket with a chair. I watch as the guys immediately head for the water, shouting and laughing. Ollie stayed back to help me finish.

"You wanna go in the water with me angel?" He asked. I shook my head and frowned looking down. "Why not baby? What's wrong?"

"I may go in a little later, but you go have fun. I want to enjoy the sun." I lied hoping he would just agree... and he did. He nodded and kissed my head then ran into the water. I was kinda scared for him. I didn't want him to get hurt but then again, I dont think even the fishes want to mess with Ollie. I took out my sketch book and began to draw the beach we were at. Drawing is so relaxing. I literally can make my own world just by drawing whatever I can think of.

"What are you drawing baby?" I look up and see a glistening wet god standing in front of me blocking the sun. It took a moment to realize it was Oliver. His entire torso was covered in tattoos. From his fingertips, up into his hair. "He's a walking piece of art..." I mutter to myself as I blush and look down at my sketch book. Suddenly Ollie starts laughing and plops down next to me.

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