35 - "I'll be alright baby."

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Over the time of the kidnapping and finding her mother, I'm gonna roughly say that was 2 months (making her 5 months... Yes I know, I didnt think about it in the last few chapters that her mother would have been able to tell but I will edit that later.)
So! This time jump, Im making her 7 months. There's a reason for it, just trust me. 😉

- Two Months Later -

- Oliver's POV -

"Find him and when you do bring him to the pit. I want to talk with him." We made a new deal with an old contact of ours. For months we've been dealing with his gang peacefully, but the last few payments have been coming up short. Enzo was pissed but he got over it quickly after my talk with him. The FBI had been looking for this gang for years and he never knew he had the key source to finding them right under his nose. I know I should have told him but... fuck it, I need to have some fun too. My demons are starving.

Roman Deski, wanted for money laundering, distribution, human trafficking, gun trafficking and several assult charges on law enforcement and women. I knew it was risky but I took the chance. Now he's cheating me. I knew it would happen, and maybe I wanted it to. If you know anything about me, there are four things you don't play with... my woman, my gang, my money and my demons. You mess with the first three, you deal with me, but play with my demons and you're on your own. Your life is theirs if you provoke them and it doesn't take much to do so.

"You mean you want to torture him for information on Rome." Bucky rolled his eyes and put his heels up on the table.

"He's Roman's right hand. He knows everything about him, including his hide outs. He won't talk easily. He's fiercely loyal to him." I grab his feet and shove them off, making him almost lose his balance and fall out of his chair. He caught himself and sat up straight. "We know he was at the warehouse last night, start there." I looked at Happy, he nodded. Derek and Ethan left with him. As soon as the door closed I sighed and sat back in my chair.

"What's up with you man?" Charlie stared at me.

"It's Jane. We were talking last night about Aurora and she went into a coughing fit. When she pulled her hand away it was bloody. I called Regina to have her checked out. She's at the hospital now and I dont know how to tell Aurora when she wakes up. It's going to devastate her if this comes back badly."

"Shit." He sat back in his chair defeatedly. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Keep Aurora distracted while I figure things out with Regina and Jane. We need to know more before we tell her anything." He nodded and got up. "Tell the guys as well. Tell them to help." He pointed a finger in the air for a brief moment then the door. My chest felt tight, like my heart was working ten times as hard just to beat. This is going to change my angel. Coughing up blood is never a good sign. I took out my phone and called Regina. I'm hoping this is all a bad dream and I just can't wake up. Regina picked up after two rings."Give it to me straight." Just get this nightmare over with. I hear a deep sigh...

"It's not good." My heart broke.

- Aurora's POV -

Sitting in bed grooming Rajah, I grab his comb and brush his face. He rolls over like a common house cat and chuffles. He so spoiled. I giggle to myself and comb through his cheek tuffs. It slides through like butter like always, he just likes the feel of being groomed and Amelia told me it was strengthening our bond. She said I could bring Rajah and come see Pearl. I wonder if mom would like to join us.

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