14 - Another Sadistic Monster

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This chapter will contain very graphic and somewhat disturbing violence and dialogue.

You have been warned.

- Oliver's POV -

She can never see this side of me. She would never look at me the same. This dark part of me that fantasizes about the ways I could make that sick son of a bitch suffer. I picture digging my thumbs into his eye sockets and pulling his eyeballs out slowly, so I could feel the pop as they detach from his skull... or taking my gun and putting the barrel directly on his dickhole and pulling the trigger, watching his dick explode....... If she ever saw this side of me... she would probably never want me near her again. She's been through so much already, only to end up in the arms of another sadistic monster, who literally gets a high from the pain he inflicts on others.

Lost in thought, my phone rings and pulls me back before I got too deep.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Mr. Stone, this is Amelia from Heavenly Stripes. I'm calling about Rajah, you are welcome to come and pick him up." She replied. I sighed and smiled. Finally something good happens.

"Great! We will be there shortly. Thank you." I said hanging up. I quickly make my way to Aurora's room and find her sitting on the bed, drawing.

"Angel?" I said and she immediately looked up. "I got a surprise for you." She furrowed her brows and cocked her head to the side curiously. "Rajah gets to come home." As soon as those words left my mouth she screamed and jumped off the bed into my arms.

"Can we go get him right now?" She asked smiling.

"Yes, as soon as we get dressed." She wiggled out of my arms and disappeared into the closet. I couldn't help but laugh. God I love this woman. Even though she is completely innocent to most of the world's cruel and dirty ways, she's perfect... and mine. She keeps my demons at bay. Stopping them from completely consuming my mind and feeding my psychotic tendencies. She makes me feel... dare I say it........ normal. When in reality... I can make Jeffrey Dahmer look like an altar boy.

"Ready!" She said hoping towards me while putting on her shoes.

- Heavenly Stripes -

We pull up and she can hardly sit still. When we enter the front door, she sees Amelia and runs up to hug her.

"Oh um.. I'm sorry, I'm just really excited." She said jumping up and down.

"It's fine darlin'. You can never go wrong with a hug." Amelia smiled. "Let's go get him."
We followed her down the same path, getting moos and chuffles from the tigers we pass by. When we get to Pearl's enclosure, she's already rubbing against the fencing and mooing.

"Hi Pearl!" Aurora said then chuffled. Pearl chuffled back, making my angel giggle. That sound is fucking euphoric. She truly is an angel. Amelia opened the door and takes us to Pearl's den. She picks up Rajah and places him in Aurora's arms.

"Hi Rajah!" She chuffles at him and he chuffles lightly back at her, sounding more like a small sneeze. "I love you so much." He rubs his face up against hers and she does the same.

"Some things to know, he is a male bengal tiger. He will weigh up to five hundred pounds, and eat up to ten to twenty pounds of food a day. If you have any other questions call me." Amelia smiled and handed me a sheet of paper with info on what kind of meat to buy. Damn he's gonna be big. I nod and hear a ding on my phone indicating I got a text.

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