34 - Come Home

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This is a special chapter! You will get to see a short POV for Jane!

- Aurora's POV -

As Jane stood, she reached out her hand which Max took without a second thought. On his feet, he wrapped his arms around her then pulled away. I'm truly happy. I have the gang, my brothers, my Ollie, Rajah, my babies and now my mother. She needs to come home with us. Before I could ask, Griff spoke.

"Why are you in a mental institution? You're not crazy." He sat back down in his chair, everyone followed.

"I thought Michael would never think to look for me here. I suspect it was all because I sent a letter to the orphanage. I wanted to know how you all were doing, without realizing, he must have been looking for you as well as me. He surprise visited me and told me that he had found and killed all of you. I died that day." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A single tear fell onto her cheek.


- Jane's POV -

Bare foot, in nothing but a robe and thin white clothing with the cold tile floor beneathe me, I stare out the window. I can't feel anything. They've given me pills to help with my anxiety but they only dull the permanent pain of letting go of my children. They have to be safe. I can't let him find them.

"Found you." I cringe and feel my skin crawl. I turn and freeze, Michael grins. "You ran away from me, and later I hear that you gave birth to that future brat you should have aborted when I told you to." He walked towards me. I'm helpless. They keep the rooms bare incase you feel suicidal. He grabbed my throat and squeezed. Not matter how hard I clawed at him, he just kept squeezing. "I found them, Jane." He whispered and slammed me up against the wall. "Griffin, Max and little Aurora." Hearing her name made my muscles tense. "I killed them Jane. Maybe next time you won't run from me. I will always find you and the consequences will be devastating." He let go and I fell to the floor but it felt as though my heart kept going, straight through. Like cold water being thrown on me, I lost my breath. It can't be! He has to be lying! "Think about that while you're in here." He laughed and walked out.


"The loss of a child is devastating to a mother. I didn't want to live if my babies weren't alive. I tried killing myself but they installed a camera in my room so they stopped me every time. I was on watch twenty-four seven. After a while I stopped trying so hard and accepted the suffering. I deserved it. I made horrible decisions that led to that consequence. Then I find out you're alive and it's as if my heart was reanimated." She looked at me, smiled and cupped one hand on my cheek.

"Why did you think we weren't real?" Max asked wiping a tear away from his cheek.

"Michael's evil has no limits. I refused to see him several times and that refusal was not without consequences. He made the staff believe that I was crazy. They drugged me up and the side effects of those drugs were hallucinations. He would bring in a girl and two boys to see me claiming to be my children. They would see me every week then he told me he killed them. I didn't know what to believe. The drugs were making it hard to differ between what was and wasn't real." She looked at Oliver like she was thinking real hard about something. "You said Michael is dead?" Ollie nodded. "How did he die? Who killed him? Are you sure he's actually dead?" Like a punch to the gut, I wanted to vomit. I definitely didn't want her to see me as a killer but I don't want to start out this new relationship with a lie.

"I killed him." I blurted before Ollie could say whatever lie I knew he was thinking of. Jane slowly turned to face me. It's hard to read her emotions but one of them is definitely shock. "I wanted him dead for the torment he put me, Griff and Max through. After he adopted us, he tortured us. I just never knew why until now."

"He would lock us up and make us listen to Aurora's screams when he abused her. He tried to rape her but we stopped him." Max interjected.

"Then we found Oliver. He helped us look for Michael after he put a bomb in our car and tried to blow up half the Gala we were attending and his friend." Griffin finished. Her expression became even more horrified as we continued.

"When they finally caught him, they tortured him but that night, I knew I had to be the one to end it. So I snuck into the pit and cut his throat." I felt the tears building behind my eyes. The pressure was intense. I looked away from her in shame. The awful things she must think of me. As a warm tear fell onto my cheek, I felt her hands cup my face. I close my eyes, too ashamed to look at her.

"I wish I was as strong as you turned out to be." She whispered. My eyes shot open and I felt nothing but love coming from her. But why?

"Why?" I whisper sobbed. She gently kissed my cheeks and smiled.

"If I was as strong as you, none of this would have ever happened. I would have been able to watch you grow up and been apart of your life, the way it should have been." Then it came back to me. She still can!

"Come home with us." I almost shouted.

"Are.... are you sure you're ready for that? I don't want to push...." I stopped her.

"Please mom, come home." I begged. I looked at Ollie. "Ollie?"

"Whatever you want angel." He kissed my head. Looking back at her she smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll come home." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. My family is finally complete.

"I can't wait for you to meet Rajah and the gang!" I shouted.


Arriving in the driveway, I see the gang standing outside. We step out of the car and I run to hug each of them.

"Hey sugar bear!" Archie squealed as she caught me mid jump into her arms.

"Okay okay my turn." Bucky laughed and shoved her out of the way, picking me up and spinning me around. "Who is that?" He whispered in my ear as I gave hugs to Ethan, Derek and Happy.

"Guys, I would like you to meet my mother, Jane." I grabbed her hand. "Mom, this is Ethan, Derek, Happy, Charlie and Archie. They are part of our family."

"Nice to meet you all." She greeted. We all walked in and see Juni playing with Rajah. He rolled onto his back and mooed as she rubbed his belly. It's nice to see her finally out of that room and interacting.

"Rajah." I called and he sat straight up. Quickly getting up he chuffles and moos louder as he saunters over to me.

"Oh my god!" Jane shouted and jumped back. I turned to her.

"It's alright. He won't hurt you." I assured her and bent down, rubbing my head against his. "Did you miss me? I missed you." I chuffled at him and he licked my face, making me giggle. "Ollie got him for me when he was just a cub." Ollie bent down and held out his arms.

"Come here buddy." He cooed and Rajah walked over to him, rubbing his head all over Ollie. "You're a good boy." He praised.

"That will definitely take some getting used to." Jane utters, making us all laugh.

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