18 - Demons Want To Play

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Sexual content!

- Oliver's POV -

- Oliver's Room -

Right now she is the only thing keeping my demons from taking over. Part of me wants to go back and kill everything in sight until I find him... but the rational side tells me to stay and comfort Aurora. Inside I can hear my demons screaming... "KILL THEM ALL!"..."WE DEMAND BLOOD!".... Then I hear a different voice tell me... "Stay... stay and comfort Aurora"... "She comes first".... I grip onto my angel tighter and slowly all the voices fade into silence.

"Ollie?" She whispers, sending goosebumps down my back.

"Yes angel?"

"He... he tried to kill us." She whimpered on the verge of tears. I grabbed her face and pulled it close to mine.

"He tried and failed." I said kissing her forehead. "He will never get his hands on you again baby. I will die before that happens." She shook her head violently and she started to break down.

"Don't say that! Please! I dont want you to die.... I love you a-and... I-I need you." She sobbed into my neck and held onto me with a death grip. She was shaking and crying. "You promised you wouldn't leave me..." She said into my neck. It was a bit muffled but she was close enough I could make it out. She's on the edge of a mental breakdown and there's only one way I can take her mind off it.

I flip her over on her back and she gasps, looking surprised. I tower over her petite body and start to kiss her.

"You need to calm your mind baby." I said softly.

"I-I can't." A tear fell from the corner of her eye.

"I can help if you want me to. I can make you think about something else." I said internally smirking and searching her face for approval. She scrunched her brows and cocked her head to the side.

"How?" She asked so innocently my dick immediately hardened. I leaned down and kissed her neck gently. She whimpered ever so lightly but I still heard it and that was enough for me. I continued ravaging her neck and collarbone, listening to her breathing increase, along with a few soft moans. "O-Ollie?"

"Yes my love?" I smiled against her neck.

"I feel... ti-tingly." She said biting her lip and looking away. Her cheeks so rosy red.... Aaaand now my dick hurts...

"Do you want me to make them go away?" I asked lightly placing one more kiss onto her silky smooth neck.

"Please?" She said and I almost lost it.

"Keep your eyes on me. Focus on how I make you feel." I said and she nodded. I kissed her neck again, slowly inching my way down. I lift my shirt she changed into off of her and threw it on the floor. I take my time, licking and sucking on her soft tits. Like licking a cloud. Taking her hard nipple between my lips and sucking like a breastfeeding baby. She gasps and moans but this time a little louder. "Does that feel good baby?" I break to ask and she nods again. I put my tongue between her breasts and lick my way down to her pelvis.

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