26 - My Heart Beats

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- Three Months Later -

- Aurora's POV -

Laying down in the grass of Rajah's enclosure, I close my eyes and place my hand on my tummy. I smile everytime I feel that small bump. Never once did I think, in my entire life, that I would become a mother. I felt too broken. Not worthy enough. Now that Michael is gone, I feel new. I can start over and be someone else. Someone who isn't scared of the littlest things or have an anxiety attack everytime my brothers aren't around.

I feel a tickle of air on the back of my hand and open my eyes to see Rajah sniffing my stomach, making me giggle when he would chuffle and moo. It's like he knows. I chuffle at him and he turns his attention to me. He moos in my face and rubs his head against mine then lays down beside me with his head resting near my stomach. I hear voices coming around the corner and sit up, making Rajah become alert and do the same. He's gotten so big. He gets up and trots over to his favorite boulder and jumps on top of it.

 He gets up and trots over to his favorite boulder and jumps on top of it

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Standing completely still, he watches like a gaurd on duty. I turn around and see Ollie and the gang come into view.

"Damn he got big!" Enzo shouts. He makes his way to the cage and I hear Rajah growl. Before Enzo made it to the fencing I was closest to, Rajah leaps off his rock and runs to me. He stands in front of me, using his body as a barrier between me and Enzo. He growls loudly and makes every stop in shock. "Whoa now! You know me Rajah." Enzo sticks his hand up to the fencing and Rajah roars, swiping at the air and making Enzo jump back. "What the hell? Why is he crazy all the sudden?" Rajah mock charges the fencing, only getting angrier that Enzo is so close. Ollie comes between them and faces Rajah.

"Down." He commands and Rajah stops, walks back over to me and sits down in front of me but never takes his eyes off Enzo. "He's not crazy. He didn't like you that close to the baby." Ollie chuckles. I pet Rajah on the back and feel his muscles relax. He turns his head and chuffles before laying down, putting his head in my lap. Everyone but Enzo awed. Ollie turned to me. "Come angel, we have an appointment with Regina." I kiss Rajah on the head and walk over to the gate with Rajah right behind me. I turn and put my hand in the air.

"Stay." I commaned and he sat down mooing at me. He's always been clingy towards me but ever since I got pregnant, he doesn't like when I'm not around him. He moos and whines until I'm next to him again. It's gotten so bad that Ollie let's him sleep in our room at night so every one else gets a good nights rest from his whining.


We get to the hospital and before we could ask to see Regina, she came walking around the corner.

"Right on time. Follow me." She smiled. I'm not a fan of hospitals. I was in and out of them constantly from Michael's beatings. Broken bones, gashes, whip marks, even the occasional deep tissue bruising.... it is however a nice change of pace not to be in here for an injury but for a check up instead. We walk into an exam room and I excitedly get up onto the examination table. "I'll be back in a moment, I need to get a few things." She winked and left the room. As I lay there, Ollie places his hand on my tummy and smiles.

"What gender are you hoping for?" I asked placing my hand on top of his. He sighed.

"Honestly?" I nodded. "A boy." He smiled and leaned down to kiss my tummy. I giggle.

"Why a boy?"

"I want a chance to be better than my father was to me." He rubbed my belly and sighed. "Instead of playing catch, my father taught me how to shoot. When I turned six years old, my father put a gun in my hand. From then on, everyday I was shooting at targets and sometimes live animals. He taught me kill instead of what it meant to be a man." He kissed my tummy again. "The worst part was I felt alone. My father never once told me he loved me. He never showed me any affection. I want my son to grow up knowing his father not only loves him, but that I truly mean it." I wanted to cry. Before I could respond, Regina came back with what looked like a portable TV. She rolled it to the side of the bed and smiled.

"Are you ready to hear your baby's heartbeat?" She asked me and I nodded excitedly, smiling at her. I layed back as she lifted my shirt up and squirted this cold gel onto my tummy. She turned on the screen and put a little remote on the gel, spreading it around. As she searched, the most beautiful sound filled the room.
*boom boom* *boom boom* *boom boom* Tears fell from my eyes as I memorized every thud. "Well that's a surprise." Regina said staring at the screen.

"What is? Is something wrong?" Ollie asked concerned.

"There's two heartbeats." She turned up the sound and sure enough we heard the second heart beating just a little out of sync with the first. TWO!? "Congratulations, you're having twins!" I look up at Ollie who lost all color in his face and went stiff as a board. He never took his eyes off the screen. Regina turned the monitor and pointed to two little blips.

"In another three months, we will be able to tell their gender

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"In another three months, we will be able to tell their gender." She smiled and printed out a picture of the babies. "Im prescribing you some vitamins, supplements and a list of things you will need to get your body in order." As she was writing, Ollie was still frozen.

"Ollie?" I called for him and he slowly turned to me. "Are you okay?" He blinked and nodded slowly.

"He's just in shock. I see it all the time. He'll be okay once he comes to terms with it all." Regina said as she handed me a list. "Take these vitamins and do these exercises on a daily basis and your body should be ready by the time you're ready to give birth. I've also written down some books I want you to read that will help you mentally prepare for what's to come throughout the pregnancy. I'll come by weekly to check your progress." She smiled and left the room. Ollie walked over to the chair and plopped down, breathing heavy. I slowly sat up and walked over to him. The moment I touched his shoulder he grabbed me and put his cheek to my tummy. Rubbing his face against me like Rajah does. Suddenly he stopped and put both his hands on the little bump.

"I promise to tell you both I love you everyday." He whispered then looked up at me. "Just like I tell your mommy everytime I see her." I smiled at him. He stood up and kissed me. His kiss was gentle and soft. "I love you angel. You've made me the happiest man in the world."


Hey guys!

Sorry for the short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. Thank you all for your support and positivity! It really helps me want to continue writing!

Love you guys! ✌

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