Part 1

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 *First Person*

I walked up from the training room, my body drenched in sweat and my hair loose in its once-tight ponytail.  My spandex shorts were making me want to get in the shower, seeing as how I felt trapped in my own fluids. I walked over to the kitchen grabbing a glass from the neat cupboard and filling it with ice tea.  

"You should be drinking water,"  Clint said following me into the kitchen.

"I've had eight water bottles full... Literally..."  I smiled and drank from my glass.

"FIne when you pass out from dehydration don't come running to me..."  

"If I pass out I won't be running anywhere."  You smirked at your smart ass comment.

"Smartass,"  He grunted with a faint smile

"You know you all love me!"  You yelled as he walked out the door.  I heard a faint, "Mhmm," As he walked away grumpily.  

I was almost to my room until I ran into Steve.  And not figuratively, my nose hit his hard chest.  Seeing as how I was small and fast that happened to people a lot, it sucked. 

"Hey Steve," I said a grin forming on my face, I hadn't seen him all day and now I was Nose to Chest.  I backed up a step, only to see his semi disappointed expression.

"Hey Y/N,"  He said and then eyed the room behind me, I began to look to the area but was stopped when Steves' hand was put on my shoulder, he pushed himself slightly away from me. Is mind was somewhere else, I could tell. "I gotta go," And he marched down the hall.

He had been like that for the past few days  Acting weird around me, and when he was acting normal all of a sudden he would walk away.  It was weird for him to act like that,  and being his best friend it was even weirder to see him like that towards me.

I  walked into my room, disappointed that he walked away.  I walked into my bathroom and turned on the steamy shower.  The hot water had me thinking, the entire group of Avengers had taken in the weird girl who claimed to go invisible.  They trusted me from the minute they meant me, and even more when I saved their life. Or Clint's at least, it was a winter afternoon, Clint was at his post eyeing the target.  I was with him, being a newbie I was ordered to stay behind. He had no idea I was there.

 It was winter which meant ice, he positioned his foot and he slipped. Me being also agile I got to him in time and grabbed his hand Of course at the time, I had no control over my invisibility so when I felt scared or threatened I used it uncontrollably.  For a week he was wondering who it was, was it luck? I finally told him and he laughed it off, said thank you. It was a big step telling him I saved him. I was too shy to do it then, and after I did that he clarified me a true avenger.

That was two months ago, and I was so happy to finally know I gained their trust.

I walk out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel.  I quickly got dressed and walk back out to the people in the lounge.  I got chills the moment everyone laid eyes on me. Everyone held a stone face, a worried expression plastered onto it.

"What's going on?" I asked running my hands through my hair.  My worry growing, and the butterflies in my stomach going even more crazy.  

"We're just trying to figure this out, " I looked over their heads to see a chart laid down on the table.  

"What is that?" I asked eyeing it.  All the names looked familiar, I had seen them somewhere.  

"We have no idea what it's for, it has a list of abilities.  Everywhere.  And they're matched up with letters." Steve said, his hand on his chin.  I eyed him for a moment but when right back to the chart.

"Hydra..." I mumbled under my breath, everyone looked at me.  I began to panic, what had I just said. It could get me killed.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Nat asked, "You weren't on that mission..."

I sighed and came up with the best lie I could. Well, it was partly a lie.  "I got my abilities from Hydra, I was an experiment and it went well. Except for my amnesia, of course. When I was in the lab they had a chart like that, but huge.  I tried my best to memorize it but I couldn't. Fortunately, later that day, I got out of there without anyone knowing. Never seeing the chart again". All of that was true, well most of it was. "Y/N why didn't you tell us?" Tony asked anger growing in his eyes.

"I was scared that you would lose my trust. I'm sorry." I said looking at the ground.

"It's fine Y/N, thank-you for telling me now..." Steve said smiling, locking your eyes.   

We took a break for a little while later.  I walked to my room when I heard my phone ring.  I quickly grabbed the phone and answered.


"Ms.L/N, how is the mission?" I sighed

"Going well, but..."  I trailed off 

"But what?"  She said 

"They have a list of the experiments,..." I sighed

"What? Agent, that is completely out of line!" The unfamiliar voice yelled.  

"I know that's not part of the plan, but I have no idea how they got it! They said they got it from a Hydra base, something like that.  "

"You better not screw up, your life depends on it..." My life depended on it.  That scared me more than anyone could know. My entire life I can remember they have threatened me, but what was supposed to do. They are all that I've ever remembered.

 I hang up the phone and looked at the caller I.D.



Word Count: 1020

Okay so sorry about the update before, I wanted to get some editing done and then I accidentally updated.  Make sure to vote and comment. I hope you enjoy! My darlings!

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