Part 5

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"What happened?"  You lean over to Steve, whispering in his direction.  

"I'm not really sure... I was blocking them out,"  He said back his own voice soft as well  

"Captain! I thought you were supposed to always listen to them!"  You whisper screamed jokingly 

"Well, I need my break every one in a while..."  He said smiling 

"Right..." You nodded knowingly. You sit and act like you had heard everything in the past conversation.  Laughing along with the rest of the Avengers. You look over to Natasha and smile, "So Nat do you want to have a girls day?"  She smiles 

"Hell yes!"  She says eating a bite of her food. 

"Wanda?" You look over to her as well,  giving her a soft smile.  

"Of course,"  You wanted to do anything to keep your mind off of tomorrow, off of Hydra.  So after your meeting, you would come back and go shopping.  You then said the first thing that came to your head.  " I have a doctor appointment at noon, we can go after then.  So that way we can spend as much time as we want."  You felt bad having to meet them,  you wanted to stay with the Avengers, your attachment to them had grown too strong.  You couldn't try to deny that anymore.  

*Time Skip to the next day cause I'm tired*

You looked around your room, the sun shining through the window.  You looked over to your clock and read the time, it was nine o'clock in the morning. You smiled to yourself, looks like there wasn't any special breakfast this morning.  You were fine with that, you needed all the rest you could get before you had to meet with Hydra.  

You quickly got ready, throwing on your boots and black shirt, along with ripped jeans.  You fixed your hair and brushed your teeth thoroughly.  You had a long day ahead of you, and you were terribly scared for it.  

You looked into your bathroom mirror and took a deep breath.  Hoping nothing would go wrong with this so-called 'meeting'.  

You get ready for the day, getting into fresh clothing and walk out into the lounge.  You see Steve sitting on the couch, looking through T.V. channels.  You jump over the back of the couch and sit next to him, you had a few hours to spare.  You hated that you were spending time with your friends before and after you betray them.  You couldn't pass a minute without feeling guilty.  

"Everything okay? You look pale..."  Your best friend said looking over at you with worry.

"I feel a little uneasy, that's why I'm headed for the doctor today.  Just making sure nothing is wrong..."  You said, taking a deep breath and crossing your arms.  

You and Steve hung out on the couch for an hour or so, dealing with different Avengers coming and going as they please.  Making small conversation with the two of you, as they did.  

Steve's arm was behind you, resting on the back of the couch, it was a normal thing for him to do that.  He wasn't touchy perse but he always tried to be around you.  Anyway, he could really, I guess that's why so many people thought of you guys as a couple.  It was a normal occurrence for Avenger fans to assume or for even the group themselves to make jokes about it.  You smiled, you never really minded being called Steve's girlfriend, in fact, you quite enjoyed it.  Seeing as how of course you have a huge crush on him, you always loved when people assumed.  

You look down at your watch and stand up silently.  "Where are you going?"  Steve asked confused 

"MY appointment Steve, I already told you about it..."  You grinned "Man you really are old,"  He glared at you, and all you could do was let out a laugh.  

You grab your keys and walk over to the elevator, making your way to your car you feel your stomach drop.  You didn't want to go what so ever, the thought of it made you want to vomit.  

Nevertheless, you started your car and drove down the road.  It was half an hour ride to the abandoned warehouse (A/N:  I know Original...). And the entire ride there you were debating on what to do.  Would you continue with the mission despite your feelings for the Avengers?  Or would you abandon the mission, for your friends, you most likely dying or getting brainwashed in the process?  You couldn't choose, you didn't know what to do, your entire life they had threatened you, and because of that, you had given in to doing terrible things to innocent people.  

You sigh as you pull up to the building, it was worn down and in the middle of nowhere.  Which meant it was totally off the radar.  You walk up the old and rusted doors, opening them and stepping inside. You walked through the familiar empty halls and open one you knew to be an agents office. The agent that had handled you your entire time being here, he was basically your boss.  But you thought of him as an ignorant, abusive, man-killing, prick. 

"Agent L/N,"  He said calmly as he shook your hand.  You felt goosebumps overrun your body. Nervousness, made your body shake, you hid it the best you could.  "Due to your lack of progress in your mission, you will be given a partner to help you complete it.  He will be there to be sure of the fact that you are not getting too close to the Avengers."  

"What?"  You said fear striking you, hard.  "You know I'm not getting close to them! And if I appear to be then my plan is working! To keep their trust I have to be their friend."  You said angrily 

"Well, then your plan has not been working, because you have had a lot of time to follow through with the rest of the assignment."  You sigh in defeat, you didn't know how to react to that, you didn't know what to say.  

"Who will I be working with?"  You ask weakly 

"Dylan Brax,"  He said

Son of a bitch...  


Word Count: 1035 

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