Part 12

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"I helped her,"  Tony said stepping out of his suit and into the home.  You didn't even hear the door open.  You saw the rest of the team follow, or at least most of them.  You saw everyone but Steve, and you looked sheepishly at the ground.  

"Oh, well see you could have just said that,"  Nick said standing up and walking over to the cupboard.  Taking out a bag of peanuts you didn't ever feel like eating.  

"How-When? What are you guys doing here?"  You asked in disbelief. 

"We really need you,"  Tony said sitting down on the couch.  "You don't want me, Steve made that clear."  You said joining him.  

"We do Y/N, Steves just stubborn.  We want to learn to trust you again."  You looked around, even Bucky was there. You lock eyes with him.  

"He gave me a lot of shit for coming here to get you," You smiled at Steve's best friend.   

"Okay, if you were coming then, Why is Nick here?"  You ask confused, looking over at the team then over to Fury.  

"I'm actually here for the same reason, I didn't think they would come looking for you." You sighed and looked over to Natasha, then to Tony.  "What's the mission?"  You asked. 

Everyone filed into the kitchen, some of you sitting at the table, while others stood around it. "I already told you about the fact that that base was wiped clean.  There was no trace of them even being there." Tony said his elbows resting on the table. 

"They knew I was close to your guys, the moment Dylan blew my cover he probably warned them."

"So we have no idea where they are," Bucky said, you got up from the table, realizing you most likely looked like a mess.  You got a wet cloth and held it on your lip, as well dapping it on your other cuts.  

"Just a little while ago I was attacked.  HYDRA was after me, and I managed to escape.  They're after me, if just even manage to out in public then they could get to me." You said 

"Are you suggesting we use you as bait?"  Nat asked looking over at you, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed. Her eyes were wide with shock.  

"Yeah,"  You said 

"That is not a good plan, if they got you then, I don't know if we'd get you back," Nat replied 

"But in the process, you would take down a HYDRA base,"  You said looking down at the cloth, seeing the small bloodstain. 

"I don't know if we should risk it, Y/N,-" Tony said. 

"-I think its a good plan,"  Nick Fury said cutting in.  "We would have all eyes on you, if they did anything then we could stop it." 

"Okay great, but don't do anything before you know you need to. We need them to take me back to their base." 

"So we just follow you back?"  Tony asked 

"No, I don't want you guys to blow out cover. They know all your faces, and if they see you then we're done.  They could do so many experiments on you, that was their plan in the first place."  You said, your voice slightly muffled by the piece of fabric. 

"Then we could track you,"   Nat harmlessly recommended. 

"Actually that's not that bad of an idea," You said 

"How would we make it look natural, not something that would fall off?"  Tony asked looking over to you, you shrugged your shoulders. 

"I'll leave that to the genius,"  You said gesturing to Tony. He gave you a smug look and then went to thinking. "Go pack, and then we can go,"  You walk over to him and pull him into a hug.  

"Woah I have a girlfriend Y/N,"  He said jokingly, he then gave him a little squeeze before letting go.

"Yeah okay sure,"  You said, walking away to the bedroom.  You grabbed a bag you had brought and packed with only a few things.  You hadn't brought much, you had left most of it at the tower.  Not wanting to have to deal with the things you didn't want.

You walk back out of the bedroom, where you see everyone still sitting at the table.  

"Ready?"  Nat asked, pushing herself off the wall. 

"Ready as I'll ever be,"  You huffed, and walked to the door.  

The sky was dark now and the stars were bold against the dark night. You slipped into the back seat with Bucky.  The middle seat separating you two. You looked over at him, and he gave back a warm smile.  Definitely, something you've never seen in Bucky.  You gave him the same thing, and he looked out the window. 

You drove for a little while, that is until you began to notice the scenery.  The upcoming road was the one your car had given up on you.  "Hey Tony, take a right,"  You said 

"Why?"  He questioned confused.  

"This is where they had me pinned."  You said when he took the turn.  You got out of the car and eyed the scene.  Your car was in flames.  "What the hell?  My baby, it's ruined!" You said looking at it with sad eyes.  

"I'll get you a new one, don't worry about it," Tony said 

"I don't need you to buy me a new one, I just loved this car,  all my CDs are in it,"  You whined.  

"Yeah yeah, let's get going,"  Tony said, ducking back down into the driver's seat.  You got into the car, as they silently drove to Avengers Compound.  

"So what about the stuff I left at Avengers Tower?" You asked looking at Tony.  

"Don't worry, we moved it," He said 

"What did you see?"  You asked eyes wide, your stomach filling with worry.  

"A lot,"  Nat said looking back from the front seat.  You felt your cheeks go red, as you looked out the window.  Avoiding all of their gazes.  

"Thanks," You mumbled but your tone was genuine. 

You pulled up the drive, and stepped out of the car, it was beautiful.  Open, the soft white of the building gave it a clean fresh look.  You smiled, Tony really outdid himself. 

Nat showed you to your room, telling you that everything they moved was roughly in the same spot.  It looked identical to your former room, you didn't even notice the change. 

You looked behind you when you heard footsteps pass your door. When you looked in the door frame you saw Steve, his arms lay at his sides. You looked you dead in the eyes, his own wide.  He just shook his head and walked past your door.  You held your hand out, for him to stop.  But he ignored you and walked down the hall.  Stepping into his own room, you longed for him. 

Your eyes fell to the ground, Steve...


Word Count: 1148 

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