Part 13

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You lay in bed and watched the ceiling, you were scared for your mission tomorrow.  Who even knew what could happen, and Steve. He wouldn't even look at you, and it been a week since you've gotten back.  You look over at your clock, it was two o'clock, and yet you were asleep.  

You get out of bed, gracefully putting the blankets next to you.  You opened your door quietly and walked to the kitchen.  The set up of this place was much different from the tower, it was pretty confusing.  And you still found yourself in the wrong room every once in a while.  

You internally cheered when you walked into the kitchen.  But your happy emotion washed away when you saw Steve at the counter.  

"Hey,"  You said opening the fridge and grabbing some leftover pizza.  He didn't respond, all he did was give you a look before turning back to the book in his hand.  You sighed and heated the pizza and sat down at the counter.  The room was dim, only one light on in the corner. You looked over to Steve, pleading inside that he would look up at you.  

"I can feel you staring at me."  He said coldly, looking up over the pages of his novel.  His brow furrowed, as he looked into your eyes. 

"I... I'm sorry," 

"It's fine you were just staring not a big deal,"  He said once again turning back to the book. 

"I mean for not telling you, I-"  You began before you were cut off.  

"Look Tony already told us your sob story, I don't need to hear it again."  He said harshly. 

"I wasn't going to tell you my sob story. Not all of us are out for Pity,"  You said "I was going to say that I know it was wrong of me to keep that from you.  And if you want me gone after my mission tomorrow, then on your word Ill go." You said a small smile on your face. 

"You know what I do want you gone," He said and you felt a sharp pain in your chest. This was no longer the man you knew.

"Okay,"  You said weakly, choking on your words.  A lump in your throat forming. Steve gave you a saddened look.  "What are you doing up?"  You asked trying to make conversation.  

"I should ask you the same thing, you have a mission in the morning right?"  

"I asked first," 

"I couldn't sleep," He said flashing you a glare.  He couldn't sleep because of you, the way he looked at you was all you needed to know that. 

"Because of me?" You asked. He sighs and gives you a slight nod, you give him one yourself, confirming that you heard him. Either way, you give him a smile, you look up at the ceiling. "These ceilings aren't as fancy here as they are the tower..."  You said quietly, you see a small smile cross his face, but he immediately wiped it away.  

"No definitely not,"  He said getting up and silently walking to his room.  The kitchen was even quieter without Steves soft breathing.  Now it just left you calmly eating your semi-warm pizza. 

Although you couldn't get that damn man out of your head.  He was the only one you wanted, you've loved him the moment he first talked to you.  And now you had betrayed his trust and he didn't want a thing with you.  Still not being able to sleep you wandered to the living room, plopped down on the sofa and turn the T.V., you keep it on low volume, watching whatever old drama was on. Eventually, you felt your eyes go dark, slowly but surely falling into a deep sleep.  

"Bucky I swear to God give me back my sketchbook!" Steve said following a terrified Bucky down the hall. Bucky went into a full-on sprint as he made his way to you on the couch. Your eyes shot open when you heard. 

"Y/N look!"  He pulled the leather sketchbook open, to a warn down, page, covered in pencil.  You looked at the piece of art, confused for a moment before realizing what it was.  

"It's me?"  You asked pointing to yourself.  You traced your fingers gently across the page, careful not to smudge it.  You were sleeping, you couldn't tell where. But you knew that you were for sure you were dead asleep.  Your face was peaceful and your knees were pulled up to your chest, you lay on your side and a few strands of hair were in your face.  

You turn around and see Steve, his eyes wide.  He holds his hand out back for the book, "You take an interest in me, Captain?"  You asked a grin on your face, as you handed it back.  

"I've always had an interest in you Y/N," He said closing the book.

"When did you draw that?"  You asked, just then noticing that it was on the last page. You see his eyes widen and his face go the lightest shade of pink.  "Steve? Come on, when did you draw it?" You ask in a playful tone. 

"T...this morning..." He said 

"Oh really?  See now I thought you hated me,"  You said shrugging, although it hurt you to finally say it aloud. 

"I don't hate you Y/N..."  You said you felt anger boiling up inside of you. 

"Then what is it, Steve?! What the hell is it?  The way you've been acting, shutting me out, it sure seems like you hate me!"  

"I said I don't hate you! In fact, I love you so damn much that it hurts to even look at you! Knowing that you used me, and the team! I scream at myself for the way I feel, I want to be with you so much but I cant knowing that you don't really love me!"  

"I did what I had to do to live Steve! I love you too you know! You have no idea how much it hurt me to have to wake up every day knowing that I had to the most horrible thing to you!"  You look down at the ground "I'm not making any sense am I?" You mumble to yourself.  

"No you're not,"  Steve said 

"I just... God Dammit! I didn't know what to do Steve! I was scared that I was going to die! And when you found out I was going to tell you.  Right then and there! Whether it had me killed or not that's how much I cared for the team.  How much I loved you..."  You said hoping hed understand.  You then realized how close he'd got, he was inches from you.  And at the moment you thought he was going to hit you.  

Well, that is until you felt your lips on his. 


Word Count: 1144

Ok ok so! I'm really sucky at portraying emotions and crossroads in decisions.  So I REALLY hope that you understood this. Next chapter will be the last one! So make sure that you check up and see how it ends.  Also, it's like I just realized! It's my birthday! I'm thirteen! (*Cries in the corner when I realize I'm a freaking teen*)  Sorry I know I didn't need to tell you guys that but I'm happy soooo.  Anyway, make sure to vote and comment! Love you BYE

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