Part 6

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"Dylan Brax." He said, and you felt your heart stop. You couldn't be around this man, he gave you feelings you despised.

"Y/N!" Dylan said enthusiastically. You turned around and saw Dylan, he held his arms out for an embrace. You roll your eyes and cross your arms, far too stubborn to say anything to him. You hated this man, his entire aura had always made you want to vomit. He was considerably too chipper for your liking, he acted like a child. Even for a Hydra agent who would kill on command, he acted like he was an amazing person. But then again you weren't so innocent yourself.

"Dylan," You said far less chipper than himself, you stood your ground not wanting to get anywhere near that man. He lowered his arms from his hugging position, a disappointed look washing over his face.

"Still as boring as ever I see," He said, a look of annoyance on his face as he walked over to the two of you.

"Not boring, I just don't like you," You said "You're an ass," You said in a snarky tone.

"Ever since that one-night you've seem to hate me..." He ghosts his lips over your ear, "Why is that Darling?" You push him off you and take a few steps back.

"Let's just say you were all about yourself," You said cockily, he gives you a stone-cold glare. He was trying to intimidate you, unfortunately for him, it wasn't working.

"I don't care about your past," The man of whose name you still didn't know; began to talk, his eyes cutting from you to Dylan. "You two will be working together. Since someone still hasn't been able to continue with the mission." His eyes go over to you, instinctively you avoid his gaze.  

"Dylan you will be joining Y/N. Do your best to get close to the Avengers, gain their trust, but do not go getting attached,"  He said you saw Dylan give a small nod, in response.  "Make sure Y/N here doesn't go making friends,"  You roll your eyes, even though he was completely correct.  You loved the Avengers, you would give anything to be with them.  But if you don't follow the rules, who the hell knows what they would do to you.  

"Your mission is to gain the trust of the Avengers, and as soon as you do you are to lure them here.  You're to say this is a Hydra base, you will infiltrate this place, of course catching them off guard and we will keep them for experimenting.  Understood?"  

"Yes sir,"  Dylan nodded, standing tall.  

"How would we even get Dylan to gain their trust.  If we have a similar situation to me, then they might catch on.  They're trustworthy, not stupid."  You said arms still folded in your unreasonable manner.  

"Don't worry about that,"  He said "Y/N we're done here, you are dismissed,"  He said shooing you away.  You scoffed and walk out of the building, going to your car. You pulled out your phone and checking your unread messages.  

Nat: Hey how'd the appointment go? 

You: Not the best... Turns out I have a small cold.  I think we're going to have to reschedule. 

Nat: Ofc let us know when you feel good.  You're under quarantine until you're better.  Don't want the team coughing and sniffling while on a mission. 

You chuckle at her text, you felt bad lying to her, but you couldn't face them.  To be completely honest you were happy to be secluded from the team. If you continued to see them your guilty mind would soon come over you.  You could easily blow your cover, and you couldn't risk that.  

You rested your head on your steering wheel, you didn't want to go home.  Your mind was at war and you had no idea what to do.  One one hand you loved and cared for the team, as far as you knew they were your family.  And on the other, if you were to blow your cover or ruin this mission, you would be terribly punished.  Or even worse, killed.  

You turned the key and felt the car come to life, you headed home.  Tears threatening to leave your eyes, as you drove.  

You made your way up Avengers tower, meeting a few members of the team in the lounge before walking to your room.  The car ride there was not enjoyable, your eyes felt sore from crying and, your cheeks were stained with tears. 

Steve gave you one glance and immediately knew something was wrong.    You brushed him off, giving him a look that said you were fine.  Although seeing as he followed you to your room, it looked like he didn't buy it.  

You gave him a comforting look, "What's wrong?" he asked closing your door behind him, he sits on the edge of the bed.  He's been in your room, millions of times, it was amazing how comfortable he was around here.  

"Nothings wrong," You said sitting next to him, your shoulders barely touching.  

"I'm not stupid Y/N, I know when somethings off with you,"  He says turning to you and giving you his signature smile.  

"Nothing, just a little conflict in my head is all," You said giving him a toothy grin hiding your feelings.  

"About what?" He asks keeping his head focused on the ground 

"Just on whether I should do something or not, I can't really go into detail it's confusing."  

He looks at you patiently, sometimes it was a pain in the ass how much he would actually listen to you.  You sighed, "I guess I want to have this relationship with someone, but I have duties as well.  If I focus on my own personal pleasure then, those responsibilities..."  You trail off 

"Your scared that if you put yourself first that you or someone else will get hurt?"  Steve said getting closer to you. His hand resting on your own, you thought nothing of it.

"Yes exactly," You said, you looked up at him, your eyes locking with his, Steves had slowly inched its way from your hand to cupping your cheek.  He brushed his thumb along your jawline, you felt him with his other hand tilt your chin upwards.  His lips grazed over your own, you pressed your hand on his chest while the other cupped his face. "Y/N..."  He questioned 

"It's okay,"  And with those words, he pulled you closer to him, and he guided you into a deep kiss.  You moaned against his lips, as his hand trailed down your leg, he gripped your thigh.  You pulled away for a moment and smiled, "Who knew Captain America, could do such a thing,"  You glanced down at his hand.  He just smiled and shook his head, he took you by the waist once more and lured you into an even deeper kiss.  His tongue skimming over your bottom lip. 

You being stubborn refused to give him access, so in return, he groped you and you let out a moan.  He took the chance to slip his tongue in your mouth.  You moaned as he did wondrous things, not only with his mouth but with his hands. You jumped when you heard a knock on the door.  

"Hey Y/N, Wanda, and Vision picked up some soup for you," Nat's voice echoed through the room.

"Soup?"  Steve asked

"I told her that I had a cold so I could keep to my thoughts."  He gives you a small smile "Sorry,"  You said getting up and walking to the door.  

"Here," Tasha looked behind you and eyed Steve, "Are you sure your sick?"  She said skeptically, raising an eyebrow. Steve sucked in his breath

"Yeah she is, I was just talking to her Nat,"  he said walking past her and out into the lounge, he gave you smile and walked away.  You requested that Nat said thank you for you to Wanda and Vison, she happily obliged. The moment she and Steve were gone you were left with your guilty thoughts once more.  


Word Count: 1340

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