Part 2

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You set your phone down on your bedside table and walk out of your room.  "Steve? Do you want to train with me?" I ask knocking on his door.  He opens it, a smile on his face, 

"Weren't you just training like an hour ago?"  He asked 

"I need to get my mind off some things, training is the only way I can do that at the moment,"  you said, fidgeting with your fingers.  

"Okay, wait on second and let me change."  He said and slowly closed the door.  You leaned against the wall and waited, you were so glad you did.  

Moments later, Steve walked out of his room, wearing sweat pants and a white T-shirt. It outlined his toned body.  You smiled, admiring him.  " Y/N, you coming?" He asked already halfway down the hall.  How was he already there? You couldn't have been in that daydream that long.

"Yeah, yeah sorry, " You said as you watched him walk in front of you.  You let out a sigh, the moment you had been accepted into the team you had had the hugest crush on him.  Sometimes you would stare without even knowing it.  You knew for a fact that he noticed, but he always seemed to brush it off. 

You make it down to the training area, it was a large room, there were a few different sections.  One's for each of the Avengers. 

"So what do you want to start with?" He asked

"Well, I was planning on trying to make things I hold invisible. And keeping them invisible, like throwing stars, it's been hard but I almost have it down." You said grabbing a bow and a few arrows.  "Clients been showing me the ropes for archery, I'm pretty good too.  So In gonna start there if that's cool with you."

"Go ahead, mind if I watch?" He smiled crossing his arms.  And eyeing you as you began to shimmer into invisibility.  Your now and arrows following after you.  You took a deep breath and focused, you aimed carefully making sure to keep your cool. 

You held your breath and pulled it back. And then you released, the arrow gracefully making its way to the middle of the board.  Staying completely invisible.  You go back to your natural state and jump with joy.

"That was impressive, I admit, " He grinned at you unfolding bus arms and walking over to a hung up punching bag in the corner.  "Keep it up, and maybe you won't need to hold your breath anymore." He said as he prepared, for the punching bag. 

"Thanks, " You said out of breath, it takes a lot out if you, to use your ability like that. 

You both trained for about an hour, both exchanging laughs and smiles throughout the time.  Eventually exhausted from overusing your power you fell onto one of the mats.  Back first, you sat there breathing heavily.  It was a tiring session,  and it didn't help that you had trained this morning. 

"Looks like a have to shower again, " You called over to Steve, smiling. He laughs, he then walks over to you a water bottle in hand. 

"Drink, " You looked at his water bottle, the outside had water droplets everywhere. You held your hands up and he through you the bottle.  You took a long drink before passing it back to him. 

"Thanks, " You said, Steve sat down next to you. His hands rested on his knees in front of him. "Hey Captain?" You look over to him, he looks over to you in response.

"You've been different lately what's up?" He gives you a soft smile.

"I've been feeling uneasy, is all.  Something feels wrong lately." You felt your stomach drop.  Knowing exactly what he was talking about.  He had a Hydra Agent in his home, of course, he would feel uneasy.  You signal him to go on. "And that list, it means something, obviously.  All those experiments, they are all specially designed, for someone but for who?" You shrug your shoulders jokingly. You hear his soft chuckle as you both sit in silence. 

"What about you Y/N? You haven't been acting like yourself lately."

"Cap, I'm acting like myself more than ever."

"So do you always act mysterious? Because for as long as we've been friends I don't really think so..."

"I guess it's just the vibe I give off." You look up and stare at the ceiling.  "What a spectacular ceiling, " You laugh, and you feel Steve lay down next to you.

"Yes very spectacular, " He smiles, you both stated there and caught your breath. "You know, Tony just had to make the ceiling look expensive too didn't he?" Steve said

"Tony likes things to look expensive, don't blame him cause he's rich." Steve looked over to you. 

"Oh, you're on his side now, good to know my best friend isn't even on my side."

"Oh, I'm your best friend now? When did I outrank Bucky?"

"You didn't outrank him, your equals, "

"Keep telling yourself that, " You joked. 

"Really you are! I love you both okay, "

"There's nothing I can do? To be your favorite?"

"Sadly no, " He smiled and sat up.  "Want to go make dinner?"He asked

"Only if it will get me higher on the charts, " You said as he helped you get up off the floor.  He just shook his head as you walked up to the kitchen. 

"Come on! You know you like Bucky more than me just admit it!" You laughed walking out of the elevator. 

"I like you both equally!" He said brushing you off.

"Do I outran anyone?" You asked throwing your hands in the air.  "Can you at least answer that for me?"

"Tony, you outrank Tony, does that make you feel better?" He asked in a happy tone.

"No, it doesn't because you don't like Tony.  Because of his fancy ceilings." You mock him. 

"What about my ceilings?" Tony asked a scotch in hand. 

"I like you both equally, okay? Get that through your head, " he knocked on your head playfully.

Steve went to the kitchen, and you walked over to Bucky, "You know he's lying right?"

"Oh yeah definitely, " He smiled

You watched him walk away, into the kitchen.  That dork.
Word Count: 1049

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