Part 3

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"He's lying..." You said

"Oh yeah definitely," Bucky said, laughing, "He likes me better..."

"Not what I was going for, but okay..." You said laughing

You walk over to Steve in the kitchen, where you see him going through the cabinets.

"How does a billionaire have zero food?"

"I dunno," You shrug your shoulders, "Do you want to go to the store? I'll take you," You say leaning on the door frame.

"I can drive myself," He smiled

"I want to go through, so then you can take me. If you want to drive so bad here are my keys." You toss him your keys, he easily catches them. You both walk down to your car, a sly grin on his face.

You sit in the passenger seat of your car. As he drives smoothly down the road to the store. It was a quiet ride with your best friend, but a good silence. One you didn't get often living in Avengers Tower.

You smiled to yourself, as you look over to Steve. A sly grin on his face, "What are you smiling about?" You ask him

"Nothing, it's just so quiet." He chuckles as he looks over to you for a moment.

"Exactly, why don't we just stay in the car for forever. I don't know if I can handle everyone back at the tower." You smile as you look out the window. And you can't help but feel your smile grows wider when you hear his soft laugh. "Hey Cap?" You ask keeping your eyes out the window.

"Hm?" He answers giving you a swift look.

"Is it hard being head of the team? Being Captain America?" He ponders a moment, before answering your sudden question.

"Yeah, definitely, I know everyone relies on me, and when I screw up, I know it's my fault." You weren't expecting such a deep thought.

"I'm sorry Steve, I didn't- I-" you said stuttering on your words. "You-You know that you have me right? You can rely on me too..." You said and you meant it, but you shouldn't have. You were undercover, you weren't even supposed to be this close to all of them. And yet you knew that Steve was your best friend.

You hear him chuckle, and he takes your hand in his. He gives it a tight squeeze and releases it. You tense up at the slightest touch, and when it's gone you whine internally.

Eventually, you make it to the store, and the entire time you walk through the aisles, you cant take your mind off of the helpless touch. You were friends, he would take your hand sometimes. And sometimes he would touch you, it was all platonic. Well, to him anyways. To you, it was indescribable, every touch every brush of the arm would make you want more.

"Y/N," Steve pulled you out of your trance, literally. He grasped your arm and pulled you out of the way from a woman running past. He looked to the woman, with a small amount of anger in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked still holding your arm

"Yeah, I was just out of it. Sorry, and thank you..." You said rubbing your temples. His hand gently pulling away from you.

"Of course," He smiled

"I have to go grab some things, I'll be back," You said beginning to walk off.

"No, I'll go with you!" He said catching up, the small distance.

You smile at his odd behavior, and you look over to him. Every few seconds you catch his eye. You look around the store, grabbing a few things off the shelves.

"Okay I'm all set, you have everything you need?" You asked

"Yes I have everything I need," He said as you both walked up to the checkout counter. You smile as you hand everything to the cashier.

"Hello," He says smiling. You grinned, he had soft brown hair and hazel eyes. His jaw was sharp and he had a built body. He was cute, cute as hell.

"H-Hi," You gave him a small awkward wave. You face palmed internally, you were sure you looked like an idiot.

"I like your shirt," He said pointing to it. You looked down at your AC/DC Tshirt. He liked it when you had no clue what it was.

"I do too, but unfortunately I know nothing about it. I stole it from a friend a few years back."

"Well, maybe I should show you some songs, wanna hang out?" He asked and that's when you realized it. You were getting asked out! You would flirt at moments like these, but not once have you ever gotten asked out.

"I would like that," You said giving a small smile, and chuckle. You then look over to Steve, he had a look of disappointment in his eyes. He then looked over to you and smiled, washing away the former expression. He wasn't a jealous person, that's what had you thinking. He could have been jealous of that guy right? You just smile to yourself, hoping that was the situation.

You took the man's number and shoved it in your pocket, you had planned on using it, but when you looked to Steve, your heart began to pound. And at that moment you realized that it was going to be a long ride of getting over him.

"So are you planning on using his number?" Steve asked while the two of you put the bags in your trunk.

"I'm not sure, but you never know right?" You got into the driver's seat, you search for your keys but are unable to find them. You then hear the jingle of them and you look up. There they were in Steves' hand.

"I forgot you had those" You snatch them away from his hand playfully. "But you never know, it's been a while since I've been on a date. I'm a bit rusty..." You laugh as you start the car.

"Yeah, the way you were talking sure seemed like you were rusty," He said a bit of attitude in his voice.

"Flirting is easy, the actual dating part can be the hardest. How do you know if it's going well? How much makeup do I wear? What clothes should I pick out? What to when he's being an ass. How to seem flirty but not overdoing it. How to turn him down on the third date, when you finally realize you don't like him." You say driving home, you didn't even realize that it was already getting dark.

"Wait why the third date?" He asked

"Oh you pure innocent child," You look over to him and see his expectant eyes. "The third date is usually when you sleep together, man you know nothing." You smile, and you hear him laugh.

God was his laugh adorable.    

________________________________________________________________________________ Word Count: 1142 

Make sure to vote and Comment.  Sorry I forgot to mention that I did change up the point of veiw.  I wanted it to be in first for the first chapter and then second point of veiw for the rest.  Just forgot to mention it. Love you! 

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