Part 8

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You took a deep breath and opened your bedroom door. You cherished that breath when you took it, enjoying that you could finally breathe normally. You walked into the lounge, looking at the people in front of you. The rest of the Avengers sat in front of you, and you felt your heart drop when you saw the man in front of you. Dylan. You wanted to walk over to him and punch him square in the jaw. But you held your composure, not wanting to reveal your cover.

He walked over to you, a beaming smile on his face. You rolled your eyes, "Hi, I'm Dylan," He said holding his hand out for you to shake. Reluctantly you took it and shook it, you kept your grip on his hand squeezing it tightly before letting go. He shook his hand back and forth, trying to relieve some of the pain. You grinned at him, a fake smile you mustered up, trying to hide the fact that you hated him.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N," Giving off a fake laugh, you once again smiled, hoping that it wasn't obvious it was a false one.

"I know, Tony told me about you," He looked back at Stark, pointing a thumb at him. "He also said that you and Steve were best friends, right?" He asked appearing to be oblivious. You little fucker you thought to yourself. He was trying to get information, you knew that. and when he got it, he would take it right back to Hydra. If Dylan figured out that you were even closer to the team than Hydra thought you were. You were going to have to deal with a lot of shit from them.

"Great," You rolled your eyes and sat on the sofa, next to Nat. You had to stay away from him, he annoyed the crap out of you. And you couldn't deal with anymore today. "How'd you find 'em?" You asked looking around at the rest of the group.

"Sam was out on a mission with Bucky. They came across him, they wouldn't even be here right now if he hadn't saved them..." Tony said, looking over at Dylan, but he didn't look very convinced, he had given you the same look when they found you.

"He's right, Dylan totally saved our asses," Sam said a small grin on his face.

"He's going to go through some training, first, only a little. A few days tops. We're also gonna have S.H.I.E.L.D check him out." Tony said messing with a watch on his wrist.

"I don't remember having to go through all of that..." You said a confused look on your face.

"You didn't. We trusted you Y/N," That hit you hard, you felt your chest tighten as Nat said that. You look over at Dylan who gives you a toothy grin. It went from ear to ear, and it sent shivers up your spine.

"Right," You said weakly, just above a whisper. "Trusted me," You give a faint smile, as you remember the day they made you a true Avenger. Steve was happy to have you stick around, you had a big dinner. One that Steve had prepared of course. And after that, you all just sat around in the lounge and talked. Drinks in hand, that night you had completely forgotten about your mission. You felt like one of them, that is until the next morning when you had instructions on what to do next from Hydra.

"How about dinner guys? To celebrate a new recruit, for the newbie," You suggested, they all smiled.

"Y/N you're still basically a newbie yourself," Sam said you heard laughs throughout the room.

"Yeah, yeah, do you guys want dinner?" You heard multiple, yes' and yeah's, throughout the room. You smiled, "Then hush," You joked, you heard a few laughs as you waltzed into the kitchen.

"Want help?" Steve asked walking over to you, he grabs a pan from the cupboard.

"Yes, but I have no idea what I'm making..." You said, smiling "Will you check the fridge and see if we have any chicken breast or anything?" You asked, he nodded and walked over to the fridge, grabbing something from it before returning to the counter. Holding chicken breasts in his hand, you let out a little, 'Yay', when he placed them in front of you.

He chuckled when he heard it, you then walked over to the spice cupboard and pulled out some spices you would need. You then mixed together paprika, garlic powder, salt, onion powder, thyme, and cayenne pepper. You put the chicken in olive oil and then spread the mixed spices on the chicken. You placed them in a pan and put them in the oven.

It was an easy meal, one that you knew tasted well, and seeing as how easy it was to make, you decided to make it for a last-minute meal. You quickly made some sides and set the table. Steve helping with everything in the process. You could get really used to this, Steve helping you in the kitchen. Staying by your side, as you both quietly talked and joked with each other. You were having such a nice time, that you had absolutely overlooked that Dylan was there.

"Come on guys, dinner is ready," You said walking into the lounge, each of them happily got up and walking into the dining area. Each of them sat down and dug in, all of them pouring themselves and each other wine. Others getting everything on the table. You smiled as everyone got along, but then your eyes landed on Dylan. You wanted him gone, you wanted everything to go back to the way it was before. When everything was peaceful when everything was running smoothly. He was on your turf and you despised it, you wanted him to talk to none of the Avengers. Hell, you didn't even want him to look at them, not even make eye contact. You wanted all the ties he had with them cut off.

You were going to get him to leave, you didn't care how you were going to do it. He was leaving and he was leaving soon



Word Count: 1036

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