Part 4

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Y/F/I- You're First Initial

Y/L/I- Your Last Initial 


You pull up to Avengers Tower.  Both you and Steve get out of the car and take the groceries.  You taking half and Steve taking the other, you happily make your way to the elevator.  

"So, what did you get for dinner?" You ask as you press the button.  

"You were with me the entire time!"  He jokes 

"I was a little out of it, okay!"  

"What were you even thinking about?"  He asks 

"I was... just thinking about...  That list!"  You said playing it off.

"Yeah?"  He asked looking intrigued.  You didn't know everything about that list.  But you knew a lot, it was all sensitive information.  But now you had to tell them, right? If you wanted to play this off, you would have to say something.  

"Well, all of the letters matched up with different types of Abilities.  They looked like initials, I would have to see it, to be sure."  You said hoping they would believe it.  

He thought about it, "Okay we have everyone unpack this and well go check it out, let's go."  He took your hand and lead you to the kitchen where you dropped your bags.  He then took you to Tony's Lab where he kept it.  

You walked to his lab, it was a mess.  But you couldn't blame him if it worked for the genius, then don't question the genius.  You study a large piece of black paper.  "I was right, look,"  You point to the initials.  Of course, you were right, you knew that since the beginning. 

"See this is S.R. Steven Rogers, N.R. Natasha Romanoff, B.B. Bruce Banner."  

"Your right! They match up to all of the Avengers.  But where is yours...?"  he says looking through them 

You look through them, and you were surprised when you saw it, Y/F/I and Y/L/I. There next to your name was Invisibility-Telekinesis.

"That's weird, it has invisibility next to it.  I have that but not telekinesis." You said pondering for a moment.  You knew of the initials but had no idea what the abilities were for.  It seemed like you had some questions to ask your superiors. 

"Well, maybe they didn't get to finish the experimenting. Maybe this is what they had planned for you." And then it hit you.  All of these abilities were ones none of them had.  That's what they wanted to do, that's what they wanted them for.  Just like Bucky they would brainwash and use you. 

"I gotta go, Steve, I'll see you later, " You pat his shoulder and run out of Tony's lab.  Running to your room you see everyone unpacking the groceries.

"Hey, you gonna help us here Y/N?" Tony said jokingly. 

"I can't... I don't feel well, I'm going to head to bed.  Sorry." You ran to your room and took out your phone.  Dialing a number, you hear a few rings before it's picked up. 

"Agent Y/N?" Once again the unfamiliar voice picked up. 

"What is the list for?" You ask angrily

"Agent, that's classified-"

"I asked you a damn question! What the hell do you want with us? W-With them what do you want with them?"

"You seem to be getting a little close don't you think?"

"No, I'm not, " You said rubbing your forehead in thought.  "I just want to know what you're planning... It seems weird that you would have all of their names on that wouldn't you think?"

"We can discuss soon! Meet us at our base tomorrow afternoon. We'll talk to you then."

"No, I want to know now!" You said but was cut off when you heard the line go dead.  You cursed under your breath.  And set the phone down.  You fell on to your bed and let the blankets surround you.  Your head was pounding, it felt as if your head was going to burst.  Finally, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

"Hey Y/N?" You heard a soft knock on the door.  Your eyes fluttered open to reveal your darkroom.  You glanced at your clock and read the time.  You had gone to bed considerably early. 

The time read seven thirty-eight at night. "Y/N?" You once again heard Steve's voice through the door. 

"I'm here!" You laughed, you heard his soft chuckle before continuing.  

"Great, dinners done,"  You quickly sat up and fixed your messy hair.  You walk out into the lounge.  You see everyone in the kitchen so you walk up to them and make yourself a plate.  You loved Steve's cooking, he had a knack for it.  And the rest of the team enjoyed his cooking as well, all of them becoming excited when he would begin to cook.  

You then silently follow the rest of the group into the lounge where you all sat and ate.  You took a sip of your beer and began to eat.  As everyone laughed and talked you couldn't take your mind off of Hydra.  It was odd for them to want to meet you. They never want to meet you, and in the pit of your stomach, you were flat out scared.  If you were gone anything could happen to the Avengers. Any other Hydra agents could do anything to them, and it was all your fault.  

Every since you had instinctively saved Clint, you had grown close to them.  Something you were specifically instructed not to do, you just had to stay away.  But seeing Clint fall you couldn't help but save him, and that's when you knew.  You had made a huge mistake.  You had become friends with all of them after that, and it was insanely hard to follow out with your mission.  But you made a promise, and if you didn't do what they asked your own life depended on it.  

You snapped out of it when you heard Thor's booming laugh, you looked around confused.  "What? What happened?"  But none of them responded they were all too consumed in their laughter. 


Word Count: 1000

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