Part 14

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⚠️TW: this may trigger reactions that revolve around domestic abuse and captivity. Read with caution ⚠️

His lips gently kiss your own, and you feel him brush a strand of hair behind your ear. You barely had time to even kiss back before he pulled away from you. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't - I shouldn't have done that." He held his hand to his lips, you looked at him puzzled.

"Why-I though you-" You look up at him, you gaze falling from the couch to his eyes. "I thought you said you didn't want to be with me. Do you want to be with me?"

"...Of course, I do, but... I cant Y/N, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I can't be with you, you've broken our trust."

"So you're just going to kiss me and act as nothing happened?" You said anger once again boiling up inside you. "Who the hell does that?" You say standing up. "I was your best friend Steve you can't keep acting like we didn't have anything."

"Like you have the right to ask that question! Who the hell puts the people they love in danger Y/N. You put the entire team in danger, you put your family in danger!"

"Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I regret it every single day of my life? I get it what I did was terrible and I don't really deserve to be sitting here at the moment." You said a small flow of tears going down your cheeks. "But I don't think you understand why I did it! They would do terrible things to me. Torture me, experiment on me, I don't even remember who raised me! I don't remember anything besides the fact that I was HYDRA. I was raised to be a monster, I was raised to kill. And if I didn't follow through with a mission, it would be the same thing over again." You said, "When I went into hiding, I was found by HYDRA and they tried to kill me. Why do you think I showed up with a busted lip, scratches, and bruises?"

"I know that,"

"Please, all I want is a second chance. I know that it will take time, but I really really want to be your best friend no matter how long it takes." You pleaded and begged, but he still remained silent.

"I cant... I'm scared that you're going to use me again. I'm scared that my best friend is going to use me."

"I won't, not ever again." You see tears forming in the corner of Steve's eyes.

"How can I take that chance?" He shrugs

"Its a leap of faith, that's all it is Steve a leap of faith," You smiled "I'll be staying if you're up to taking that leap. But if your going to be stubborn like you always are then, after this mission I will leave and none of you will hear or see of me again. Let me know the answer when I get back, Captain."

"In the meantime, I have to go to Tony and see if that tracker is done, I'll see you." You gave him a smile and walked away, walking toward Tony's lab. And by the time you were finally out of Steves sight. You let the tears finally fall from your eyes. You stop in the hall to let them out, and when you're finally done you continue the walk to Tony's lab.

You open the doors to see him working on something. "Is it done?" You ask quietly.

"Almost, a few more minutes," You nodded and went to sit on a stool. You were surprised when you heard his voice again.

"So how'd it go with Capsicle?" He asked keeping his eyes focused on the tracker.

"He's still pissed at me, -Rightfully so- But that doesn't change the fact that I love him. I just wish he was open to trying to give me a second chance." You said tapping your fingers on the nearby counter.

"You do know that basically everyone except me, isn't ready to fully trust you right?"

"Of course I do! But they're trying and that's what matters to me right now. And the fact that I'm trying is great too. But Cap just doesn't want to take any chances, I can respect that. But of course, that doesn't change the fact that it's pissing me off at the moment."

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