Part 9

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You lay in bed, unable to sleep, your mind too focused on Dylan. Your eyes were concentrated on the bathroom door as you thought. If you were to really get away from Hydra, what would be the consequences? If you were to get Dylan away from the Avengers, would you have to blow your cover as well? Even if you didn't, coming clean would be the right thing to do. Of course, in the process, you would lose Steve and the rest of the team. But if that meant that they were going to be safe then, that's a risk you were going to have to take.

You got up and out of bed angrily, throwing the blankets off the bed and onto the floor. You walked out into the kitchen and opened the medicine cabinet. You grabbed some melatonin -lately, that was the only thing that could help you sleep- You put the small tablet in your mouth and let it dissolve. It wasn't the best flavor in the world, but if it helped you sleep you didn't hesitate.

"Couldn't sleep?" You turn on your heel and see Dylan, walking into the kitchen.

"Go away Dylan," You glare at him, taking a few steps back from him.

"Why so harsh, we do work together," He asked, playing with your hair. You knew he was in no way shape or form interested in you. He just wanted you to cave so that he could prove to Hydra you cared for these people.

"You know why you jackass," You said sternly.

"Why don't you say why? I need you to be specific," He twirled your hair in his fingers, you pulled away from him again sharply.

You sigh, "Because these people are my friends Brax, you lay one finger on them and I swear to go I'll rip out your throat!" You growled

"Can't wait to let our boss know,"

"I don't care to blow out cover Brax, I'll tell them, as long as it gets you away from them I'll do what it takes," You say, gritting your teeth.

"Ah, see now or I could blow your cover, keeping me as close as I want to them. You think about saying or doing anything, I'll have them killed on the spot. I have too many people on call that could kill you and your little friends in a second." He spat.

"I'm not scared of your bluff, Dylan. You're not as scary as you think, it's like getting a threat from a Golden retriever." He snarled, glaring at you as his brow furrowed.

"Do something I dare you," He said looking you in the eye.

"Gladly," You said beginning to walk out of the kitchen, you would tell them here and now. But before you could even take two steps, you were spun around. You could feel Dylan's cold hand around your neck, as your body was cut off from your supply of air. You held at his hand, trying to pull away from his grasp, but his hold on you was too strong from your now weakening body.

He didn't have to say anything for you to understand, you just nodded and walked out of the kitchen. You held at your neck gently, you never wanted that again. But that didn't stop you from your plan. You were going to come clean tomorrow, whether Dylan likes it or not. Whether you lost Steve or not. You wanted to protect your friends, and you were going to.

The next morning couldn't have come soon enough. You did bother packing your bags, knowing the minute you told them they would want to interrogate you. So you just walked out of your room, but when you see them your heart went to the pit of your stomach. They were all sitting around the coffee table, enjoying breakfast. You walked over to them, all of them looking at you.

"Guys I have something to tell you," You say clapping your hands and pushing them downwards. You took in a sharp breath before continuing.

"-Wait!" You looked over to Dylan, a look of victory washing over his face. They all turned their gaze to him, you doubted he would actually say anything. "Last night... I was walking past Y/N's room," They all held confused looks, you felt your heart sink to the pit of your stomach. You couldn't talk, you were choking on air. "I overheard Y/N on the phone, and she..." He looks up at you.

"Please let me tell them Brax-"

"Y/N's a Hydra Agent. Undercover for them, trying to infiltrate the Avengers. She was planning on killing you, or either to bring you to Hydra..." He said quickly, their once soft looks at you turned to anger.

"Look this isn't how I wanted to tell you! Please let me Explain! Steve let me explain! This isn't how it was supposed to go," You said looking him in the eyes, he turned away from your gaze and you felt your heart shatter. You could feel physical pain in your chest when you saw him look away.

You looked to the rest of the team, and then to Dylan. You marched over to him, "You son of a bitch-" But before you could even make another move. Your sight was altered with darkness.

Your eyes fluttered open, to see a familiar room. One that SHIELD used during interrogation. You took a deep breath as you saw Steve across the room. It was well lit, and a large window was on the far side of the room. You grinned when you saw Steve, they really let him conduct this thing?

"We don't want to hurt you Y/N..." Steves's voice was loud but soft, your headache from previously being knocked out.

"I think we both know that's a lie Captain..." You said lowering your head, your chin barely touching your chest.

"I just need to know where the base is, agent," He said walking closer to you, keeping his composure.

"Don't call me agent, I don't even want to think about how I work for them." You said back sharply

"Unfortunately you do Y/N!" He said slamming his hand down on the table, you didn't flinch. You didn't want to seem scared in front of what you assumed to now be your former friend.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know," You said still keeping your eyes fixated on your feet. "If you just let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain, you're an agent for Hydra! You could have-" He shakes his head, "Why didn't you kill us when you had the chance?"

"Because I didn't want to, Steven!" You yelled at him as he inched closer to you.

"The other night when you said you were at conflict with two decisions. It was telling us, wasn't it? Not that you wanted to be with me," He scoffed as looked at you, only inches apart. "Did you do that just to get close to me? Just to use my trust?" His brow furrowed and hurt was displayed in his eyes.

"No, I..." You felt a tear slip from your eyes, "I really do love you, you're my best friend Steve," You said but you held back the smile you wanted to give him. This wasn't your best friend anymore, he thought of you as his enemy now. "I'm in love with you," He didn't budge, not even a look for you to know he processed what you said.

You felt defeat rush over you, "The base is upstate, on Mandarin road. It's a private road but think nothing of it. When the road starts to thin out you know you're close, the base is an abandoned warehouse. Shipped bike parts or something," You said in a defeated tone, "Youll know it when you see it," You said defeated, you silently let out tears. Biting your lip to stifle the sobs. You stayed still when you heard the door close, and you heard muffled talking. Talking about leaving soon. You guessed it was Steve telling the team to get ready. Most likely his words were to 'Suit Up, we're leaving soon.' You smiled. Wishing that he still said those things to you and the team.

You jumped when you heard the door open again, but you didn't budge not wanting to look. "Let's get you out of here,"  


Word Count: 1400

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