big brothers can be snakes// N.H

996 29 18


Hi guys hope ur all well, love you all


Word count 899


Niall’s point of view

“Li, time to get up,” I shouted in his ear, scaring him awake.

“Geez Niall, I’m fucking up don’t need to shoutb in my ear” Liam grumpily replied as he sat up, pushing me off his bed

“Ow Liam, that hurt” I frowned as I rubbed my knee

“You deserved it Niall, now get out my room” Liam snapped

‘God someones grumpy’ I thought to myself

“I’m leaving for school grumpy” I told Liam before limping out his room, grabbing my bag and leaving the house.

I hate school because everyone hates me and calls me names and pushes me but Liam don't know anything about it nor does he know I haven't eaten for over 3 months and you want to know why he doesn't know because I don't see him properly until 7pm because I always go to my friend zayn house (who doesn't go to school) or Louis plus Liam and uncle Harry had work.

"Morning Ni" Louis smiled as he hugged me

"Morning babe" I replied hugging him back

"Ready to go in" Louis asked as I nodded before trying to hold Louis's hand but he pulled it away and started walking through the school gates

'I wonder what's wrong with him today' I thought as I caught up with him

"I'll see you at break" Louis quickly told me before going class

I stood there shocked for a minute before going to class and putting up with all the abuse of everyone.

Break came and went and Louis didn't show so I went to the toilet and was hit constantly like always.

I didn't go to my next lesson (which Louis was in) after break, I just sat in the bathroom crying

'What do I do to deserve all this' I thought before realising I had a text off Louis

Sorry Niall but I'm done with you, I deserve someone better than a fat, ugly, self centred prick, go back to mummy and daddy, oh wait you can't because they disowned you for being fat. See you

After I read that I was in tears

'I've lost the most important person in the world and for what being a fat though I haven't eaten in months' I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror before going into my bag and grabbing my rotary cutter.

I'm done with this life, I'm sorry Liam, Zayn and uncle Harry for being a disappointment' I thought as I scheduled a text to Liam and uncle Harry to send at 4 and then I texted Zayn (knowing he was doing homeschool and his mum hid his phone)

After I sent the text, I locked myself in the cubicle and slashed me arms up making sure it was deep.

Just before I slipped into darkness I heard the toilet door open.

Zayn's point of view

I was sat doing my homeschooling when my mum barged in

"Zayn I think Niall is about to kill himself, read the text he sent you" mum panicked as she gave me my phone

Hey bro,

Look you have been a gem to me but I can't cope no more, I'm sorry, Louis broke up with me, people bully me and I feel so lonely and plus I hate myself

I'm sorry

Love Nialler xx

"Right you call Liam and school while I call Louis" I ordered my mum as she rang the school up while I called Louis

Yo dude, what's up I'm in class but I can call you back in 10 minutes

No you fucking won't, I just had a text off Niall saying you said shit to him and broke up with him and people bully him and he's now going to kill himself

I haven't seen Niall all day nor text and you what, where the fuck is he now

I'm not sure, go look for him but stay on the phone

Okay, sir I have to go it's an emergency

It was quiet on the phone for 10 minutes

Fuck sir I need an ambulance now

What happened

He's cut his arm loads

Fuck sake

I replied as my mum came in

"He's cut all his arm open but Louis has called an ambulance" I told my mum

"Get in the car, we're going to the hospital" mum quickly said as we jumped in the car

How's it going Louis

We have arrived at the hospital and they rushed away with Niall

Okay we're on our way


With that he hung up

"What did Liam say" I asked

"He's at the hospital now and there uncle is on his way" mum told me

"And the school" I questioned

"At first they didn't care but they soon had a teacher there" mum replied as we arrived at the hospital, running inside to see Liam and Louis talking

"How is he" I asked hugging Liam

"Don't know yet bud" Liam replied

It took two hours before the doctor came out

"How is he" Harry asked

"One hell of a fighter I tell you that, He's pale but we stitched him up and got blood into him just in time, he's half awake, half asleep but you can go see him, we have referred him to see a counsellor" the doctor explained before leading us to Niall's room.

He'll be ok

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