I'm not crazy

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Hi guys how are you all, whose ready for this weeks updates, I've been typing a lot of updates up. Enjoy this update as always mention of self harm and suicide


Niall's point of view

You're stupid.

You're stupid

That's all I heard all day, you see I have schizophrenia and yes I am on medicine. I wanted to tell the boys about Raz but we we're so busy I didn't.

"Niall are you okay" Harry asked

"Yeah I'm okay" I replied knowing we only have one interview left.

"You sure also I forgot to ask did you take your medicine this morning" Harry questioned

"Yes i'm sure and yes I did H" I lied not wanting him to fuss anymore

"Okay we will be back home in an hour" Harry sighed in relief

"Yeah I know, I'm going outside for 10 minutes alone so don't try to spy on me" I told him before leaving the room and going outside.

Niall, It's your favourite person

"Piss off" I sighed

Now Niall that wasn't nice

"I don't care get out my head" I replied before reaching into my pocket and grabbing the pack of fags?

"Raz why are these in my pocket" I asked

I thought you wanted a fag

"No I don't" I replied before lighting the fag and putting it in my mouth

See it's not bad you worthless shit

It took me 5 minutes to smoke the fag

"Why can't you fuck off" I asked as people started staring at me

Because I won't leave until you kill yourself

"So if i do you will go" I replied
Only if you go with me

"Fine I just want you gone" I sighed

Right go to the bathroom

"Okay" I replied before going to the bathroom

Now lock the door, go into the cubicle and lock the cubicle door

"Alright but why" I asked

So people don't disturb us. Now grab the razor blade out your trouser pocket and pull your sleeves up

"Will this hurt" I questioned as I pulled my sleeves up and grabbed the blade out my pocket

No it will get rid off me and put you at ease. Now cut your arms loads

"Can I just send a goodbye text" I asked while I did my first cut


So I pulled out my phone and put the lads in a group chat

I'm sorry big bros but this is the only way I get Raz out my head. I love you all and I'll see you soon

Love Nialler


With that I hit send before going back to what I was doing.

Good boy Niall

I was just drifting out of consioness when I heard the doors bang open.

"Fuck Niall, stay with me bud" Louis shouted as he took off his top and put it on my cuts

"He's dying L-Lou" I wispheard as I took deep but slow breaths

"Stay awake bud" Louis asked as Liam came in the stall as well

"Shit Ni, you didn't take Raz's medicine did you" Liam asked as I shook my head

Niall all you have to do is tell them to leave and you close your eyes then I'm gone

"N-no there family Raz, I want you gone not me" I cried as I saw stars

"I'm dizzy" I told the lads as more people came in.

"You'll be okay Ni paramedics are here now" Louis told me as Liam spoke to one of them

"Hey Niall, I'm just going to put this on your chest, Louis keep him talking" One lady told Louis as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Your ok buddie, we're going to make things better" Louis told me

"Zee, I want Zee" I screamed

"Zayn is going to meet us at the hospital" Louis told me as I shook my head no

"I want him here" I screamed again

"Niall stay still please" The lady told me before going back to what she was doing

"Your gonna be fine Ni" Louis told me

"I'm tired" I replied as my eyelids started getting heavy

"No Niall stay awake" Louis begged

"I can't" I replied before drifting into darkness.

When I woke up I noticed I was in a white bed hooked up to machines.

"Zee" I called out as I swallowed

"I'm here Nialler, your alright, i'm here now and I'm not leaving you" Zayn replied

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