Sometimes I need help //N.H

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It all started with one simple tweet saying "Niall is fat" then it just kept getting worse.

Niall didn't show the boys because he was already getting babied and he didn't want it even more.

Niall decided a week later to stop eating loads and go gym more which he did.

This went on for three months before the others started to notice something strange was happening.

Niall's point of view

Why won't I get skinny I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror to see roles of fat hanging off my skin.

"Niall dinners done" Liam shouted from downstairs as I put a baggy jumper on and went downstairs.

"I'm going out" I told them as I put my shoes on

"What about dinner" Louis questioned

"I'm having tea out" I told him

"What time you back" Zayn spoke up

"10pm" I stated

"Not a minute later" Harry piped up as I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys

"Yes dad" I joked before leaving the house and calling Josh

N: Hey Josh, meet me at the pub

J: See you in 5 minutes

With that I hung up and walked to the pub

Zayn's point of view

"What's going on with Niall" I asked

"Not sure but I know he hasn't eaten and he keeps looking in the mirror topless and he's really skinny like pretty much just bones" Louis sighed

"Shit we know what this is then" Liam panicked
"Yeah he's anorexic" I replied

"I think we need to talk to him" Liam thought as he crossed his arms

"We need to tread-" Before I could say anything else my phone rang.

Hello is this Zayn Malik

Yes who's this

This is Kensington hospital, Niall has been brought in and we need you to come down

Okay we'll be 10 minutes

I told them before hanging up

"Boys grab your coats, we have to go hospital" I told them as I grabbed my keys and shoes


"Hi lads, I'm Dr Hardy and I've been looking after Niall, you see Niall was brought here due to someone punching him straight in the face causing him to fall straight into glass so he's had a couple of stitches and a broken nose and black eye but that isn't my concern. My concern is his weight it's very below for his weight. Has he been eating" Dr Hardy asked

"No he hasn't to be honest with you" I told Dr Hardy

"Right has he been going Gym alot" Dr Hardy asked

"Yeah he has" I replied

"Okay i'm going to speak to Niall and then I'll come back" Dr Hardy told us before leaving the room.

We had been waiting an hour before Dr Hardy came back to us

"Niall is anorexic so he's staying in for a while" Dr Hardy told us before taking us to Niall

"We love you Niall" We all told him while hugging him.

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