Louis has what part 2// L.T

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Hope you guys have been enjoy the updates much love


This is a flashback to before Niall found Louis at his low point before Louis was diagnosed with bipolar


It was a normal day for us apart from Louis was acting a bit weird like he wouldn’t speak to anyone or come out his room.

“Lou, can you please open the door” Harry begged

“H, come here a minute” I called as I came out my room

“What’s up” Harry questioned as I dragged him into my room and shut the door.

“Why don’t you go out and buy Louis his favourite things, never know he might be having a off day and need cheering up” I suggested

“Yeah your right bud, where is Liam and Zayn” Harry asked

“Downstairs, why don’t you take them and I’ll stay here and watch Louis because I have to call my mum anyway” I offered

“Okay we won’t be long” Harry smiled before leaving my room.

“Just going to get dinner Lou, I won’t be long” Harry told Louis before asking.

“The others are coming with me”

Once the others left, I just sat there and thought to myself (You will find out in a different story what he’s on about)

I was just minding my own business when I heard a thud come from Louis and Harry’s room so I put my jumper on before running to their door.

“Lou can you open the door please” I asked but had no reply.

“Lou open the fucking door” I shouted before hearing the lock go and the door open and that’s when I saw him.

There was Louis slouched on the floor with blood gushing out of his arm and god was it a lot and he was pale as a ghost.

“Fuck sake Louis, stay here and stay fucking awake” I warned him before going into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and putting it on his arm before calling the ambulance.

999 whats your emergency

Can I have an ambulance please

Yeah, what’s happened

My friend has tried to commit suicide

Okay where do you live

34 sunny road

Right the paramedics are on their way is your friend breathing

Yeah but not that much please hurry up

There nearly there don’t worry, what arm is it


How much blood has he lost

There’s a puddle by him and the towel is drenched in blood

Ok can you go and open the door for the paramedics

Yeah thank you

With that I hung up and ran downstairs letting them in before showing them where Louis before calling Paul

Hey bud you ok

No Louis has tried killing themselves, Paramedics are about to take him to st james hospital, can you get the lads and bring them down please



“What the fuck happened” Harry asked

“I was on the phone to me mum and I heard a thud in your room so I rushed in and saw Louis on the floor blood gushing out” I explained

“What the hell you was meant to be watching him so if he dies it’s your fault” Harry spat before walking away

“He’s right Niall, you said you will look after him so it is your fault” Liam and Zayn spoke before following Harry.

Louis survived but none of the lads spoke to me at all even after Louis was diagnosed with Bipolar

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