Better now // N.H

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Do you ever feel like giving up because you can't cope with life.

That's how Niall felt at the moment, he was getting so much hate from the fans and he also had an argument with his brother.

"Ni, time to wake up we have a busy day ahead" Liam told Niall as he woke him up

"Okay Li, I'll be down in 10 just going for a shower" Niall replied

The boys are in a 5 way relationship but Niall had been sleeping in the spare room because he was secretly cutting himself and didn't want the lads to know.


"Hey loves, have you noticed Niall has been acting very weird recently" I asked

"Yeah I have actually like he stays up late and never sleeps with us,I miss his cuddles" Louis replied

"Yeah plus he never gets dressed in front of us no more" Harry pouted

"He's forever in baggy joggers and tight long sleeves tops but then wears a baggy jacket" Zayn replied

"Yeah even I don't get why he does that" I spoke as Paul came walking in.

"Morning lads, where is my little leprechaun" Paul asked as we laughed

"He's in the shower I think" I replied noticing he had took longer than he said

"What room is he in" Pauk asked knowing he hadn't been himself

"Spare" Zayn replied as Paul nodded before going upstairs

We heard Paul talking but couldn't make out what was said

This lasted for half an hour before Paul and Niall came downstairs and boy did Paul look angry

"Let's go" Paul told us as we all nodded.

I wonder what happened.



As I reached the spare room I knew something wasn't right so I quietly crept into the spare room as Niall opened the bathroom door in just boxers and that's when I saw his whole body covered in cuts some was deeper than others and some were newer than others.

"What the hell Niall" I shouted as Niall spotted me and grabbed his clothes, running back into the bathroom.

"Why Niall, why are you slicing your own skin when your meant to be a role model, not a pathetic attention seeker" I asked as Niall came back out fully dressed so I grabbed hold of his wrists tightly.

"Paul let go of me, your hurting me" Niall cried out

"Oh but I thought you liked pain" I questioned

"You wouldn't understand" Niall replied

"No because you won't explain so Peter will deal with you when we get to the interview place and then later you will tell the lads" I warned him as he nodded

"Right let's go" I told him letting go of his wrists.


We was currently sat waiting for 10:30 to come for our interview when I noticed something.

"Guys where is Niall and Peter" I asked

"Paul said Peter wanted a quick chat with Niall but that was nearly half an hour ago" Harry told us

"I think we should go-" Before I could say anything else Paul, Peter and Niall came in

"Boys you have ten minutes" Paul told us as Niall limped over to me.

"Okay Paul bye" I hinted before Paul and Peter left but not before Peter sent Niall daggers.

"What was that about" I asked Niall pulling him onto my lap.

Gosh he's lost weight

"N-nothing" Niall replied as I looked at the others

"Ni that wasn't nothing at all" Harry stated

"H-honestly it was nothing" Niall stuttered

"Bullshit" Louis shouted as he jumped up out of his seat making Niall flinch.

"Right what did they do Niall" I asked

"Paul didn't do much apart from grab my wrists however Peter hurt me Zee, he was kicking, twisting my arms, slapping me and more but I can't tell you" Niall cried as Liam came near us while Louis told Lou to lock the door and keep the key in the door.

"Ni, you have to tell us what happened" Harry sadly smiled

"Don't be mad like them, I didn't do my back Peter did" Niall cried before taking off his jacket showing a very bloody top which he took off as well which then showed us cuts and bruises all over him and when I saw his back I nearly flipped. He had faggort carved into his back.

"I'm going to kill Peter, Ni baby can we see your legs" I asked as Niall nodded before I helped him pull them down showing scars, bruises and a very swollen leg.

"Louis, babe call Simon and tell him we're on our way to see him, Li call Tony and book an appointment with him and Haz help me get Niall dressed and out to the car" I ordered before we all succeed in leaving without any of the guards knowing. Lou also came with us making sure to lock the door to the dressing room.


"We need you to fire Peter, he abused Niall" I shouted making Niall flinch.

"Can I see Ni-bear" Simon asked as Niall nodded before showing Simon.

"Betty can you go and get me Alex so he can check Niall over" Simon asked as he took pictures.

"Right Ni, I know the small cuts and scars are from you so the boys have got you help for that and I'm getting you help with Paul and Peter" Simon explained before letting Alex in.

"Straight away broken leg and wrist, left wrist is sprained, wounds will scar but lightly, very bruised and battered but I can sort most that here" Alex told us


"Zee, look at Theo" Niall smiled

"Aww taking after his uncle" I smiled

Niall was doing so much better.

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